I’m really hoping for an “out of the box” solution here ??
Here is what I am trying to do – perhaps you have a recommendation of how I can accomplish something similar with wp-table-reloaded.
I have a page like this:
At the top of the page I currently have a “filter by year” so you can see the volunteers of any year. If I simply maintain a table of the people in each collection, there is no “history” – that is, the table would reflect only the current situation, and there would be no way to display a past situation.
Additionally, a person’s information must be copied multiple times. Say I am the Chair of two committees – my phone, email, etc will appear twice, leading to things potentially getting out of sync/conflicting. The way I have it now there is a People table and then the chapter tables simply reference (via a sql join) people from the People table. This way all of the information about the people is all located, and only once, in one place.
Someone suggested “You can create tables per user and then you can simply call them in your committee lists.” Does that mean anything to you? I don’t follow haha.
The reason I can’t use my existing php/sql solution is that my site admin will not install the plugin to run php from a wp page citing security concerns. Any suggestions of how to accomplish these things are welcome!