Many Thanks for your quick reply…
Actually I made a plugin where I am putting some values in the database and fetching those in the front end .that you can see here :-
Here the values in the table are coming from database table which is created at the time when plugin gets activated.
now I want to put the search functionality and when I tried to make may own I stuck at one place.
Then I had 2 options , either to do R&D over my code or to search for some plugin.I did both and found your plugin and saw your plugin is quite good(appreciable work).
now I want to relate your plugin with my database table to filter the records and also to do the sorting.
I just want to know , is this possible with your plugin.
As far as I checked that we can make or export/import tables but if I want to correlate my table ..so how to do that…
I suppose I am clear…
if not can you please tell me that how should I call the function.
Please help me if you have time ….
I have made a function :-
function displayproperty($table_name, $mode, $sort, $ascdesc, $sbox=”)
through which the table(https://beta-projects.com/mike/property/properties/) gets displayed. Now I want to put a search box above the table through which I can search the properties as per the description /name .
now when I will click the search button , I want to call the above function which is php function .
there I got stuck..
Anyways if you have time ..then please help me….
Thanks in advance ??