• Hello,

    first of all I want to say that this a is really nice idea for an plugin. It will helps a lot. And the upcomming “Cronjobs” will be a killer feature.

    I set it up and run on PHP 5.2.11. The files are created on my server and stored under wp-content. If I have understood everything correctly, it should be loaded from there to the drop box and then be deleted. Both does not work.

    I’ve used my drop box and e-mail and password were correct. Doubble and triple checked. Then I set up a new Dropbox – even for security reasons I wanted to do this. But even with this drop box will not do.

    Is this a known problem? What’s the problem?



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  • Thanks to Paul Griffin Petty.
    But I get the same problem! What can we do?


    Can you both indicate which version you had installed at the time it appeared to not work?

    It doesn’t sound like an issue related to PHP — if you’re not seeing errors in the plugin itself.

    I have had issues with sites running from localhost (versus an IP address or actual domain name) …


    Thread Starter spl


    I have installed Version 1.7.1 of wp Time Machine and it still does not work. The blog is found unter archimag.de so there is no localhost.

    I can mail you more infos if needed.

    Post or contact me.

    Thanks for the support and again – great idea for an plugin. Part one – backup – works very well.


    Hi Guys

    Loving the concept! Great idea. Unfortunately I’m seeing the same problem as the original poster.

    I’m using 1.7.2 of wpTimeMachine against WP 2.9.2, running on a hosted server (thus not localhost). I too am seeing the four files generated in wp-content, but they aren’t being uploaded to the Dropbox account.

    Any further information you need, just reply?


    I just discovered the dropbox backup timemachine… however I cannot get it to work. But also it will not backup to an ftp account.

    Any clue what is going one? Maybe have a option to debug the logon to the ftp or dropbox account.

    I use: wp 2.9.2 and the timemachine 1.7.2

    Hope to see a working version soon…

    Thread Starter spl


    short massage: with wp-tm 1.7.2 not change. But I want change

    Your Plugin sounds very good, exactly what I was looking for.

    On my fresh wordpress-Installation without any plugins installed I tested it.

    My “wp-content”-folder shows up these files:
    – wpTimeMachine-data-files.sql.gz
    – wpTimeMachine-Instructions.txt

    But there is no “wpTimeMachine-content-files.tar.gz” and no upload.
    I tested My external FTP-Server and my dropbox-account for upload.

    I thpught there could be some problems with the defined variables “WP_CONTENT_DIR” or “ABSPATH” but couldn′t find anything…

    my hoster is allinkl.com – maybe you can give me a hint, how I can debug this problem.

    Thanks a lot so far




    There were a bunch of unforeseen issues with 1.7.2 …

    The latest version resolves several issues & now only generates a single .tar.gz file which contains all the files previously generated. That helps with reliability & performance, please update if you’re willing & have the time:



    I do not see the any files being made… what might be the problem?

    Looking good from here, fantastic work!

    Hello paulgpetty,
    thank you for your fast help, but… no… “wp Time Machine, version: 1.7.8” is not the solution for me.
    I can see an archive-file being created in “…/wp-content/” and one second later, it′s gone. But it is neither in my dropbox nor on my FTP-account.

    Do you need more information?
    PHP Version 5.2.10
    mysql 5.0.83
    hoster: allinkl.com

    Greetings from germany



    Thread Starter spl


    a big sorry from my place. No 1.7.8 made no change. One file is created, but there is no upload to dropbox. The file is not deleted. In principle, as before.



    I just released version 1.7.9 … If you could update the plugin & test it; I would be grateful.

    I think this resolves a serious issue with PHP 5.3.x …


    Thread Starter spl


    I have loaded 1.7.9 and made a test.
    I again double checked the dropbox id and password.
    I start the backup process.
    Time machine creates 3 or 4 files at wp-content. Then I combine them to one file. Then a nearly as long time as the building of the files needed nothing happens. Then time machine said: Complied.
    The wpTimeMachine-archive.tar.gz file is at wp-content. And my dropbox is emty.

    I have made a test with an other dropbox-account: same problem.

    I also have made a test with an ftp-account: that works fine.

    But ftp is not the perfect solution for me. I can do anything, to encircle the problem. You also send me an email. spl [at] archimag [dot] de


    Hello Paul,

    thsnk you for your recent upates. I updatet to 1.7.9 and testet dropbox but it didn′t work: no files in my dropbox-folder. So I tested FTP, because the user “spl” wrote, that this works for him. But on my installation FTP didn′t work.

    After pressing “Generate … archives” it tells me “please wait” and one or two seconds later, it shows me: “Your archives have been completed…”

    If I give the plugin totally wrong username or password for my FTP, the same green “completed”-message appears …. *mmpf*

    Maybe you can create a “developer-version” with some debug-infos, so we can find out, where the plugin stops working correctly.

    Thanks for your help



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