• Hello,

    first of all I want to say that this a is really nice idea for an plugin. It will helps a lot. And the upcomming “Cronjobs” will be a killer feature.

    I set it up and run on PHP 5.2.11. The files are created on my server and stored under wp-content. If I have understood everything correctly, it should be loaded from there to the drop box and then be deleted. Both does not work.

    I’ve used my drop box and e-mail and password were correct. Doubble and triple checked. Then I set up a new Dropbox – even for security reasons I wanted to do this. But even with this drop box will not do.

    Is this a known problem? What’s the problem?



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  • Thanks for your plugin, it’s a great idea.
    I have version 1.9.16 of you pluggin, and version 3.0.2 of wordpress.
    But there’s nothing sent to my dropbox account.
    Here is my log :

    [2010-12-01 10:48:46 am] *** wpTimeMachine plugin loaded 1.9.16 ***
    [2010-12-01 10:48:46 am] --- System / Environmental Checks:
    [2010-12-01 10:48:46 am] ---     WordPress: 3.0.2
    [2010-12-01 10:48:46 am] ---     Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.41 Safari/534.7
    [2010-12-01 10:48:46 am] ---     PHP: version 5.2.1
    [2010-12-01 10:48:46 am] ---     cURL: no cURL extension
    [2010-12-01 10:48:46 am] ---     wp-content writable: yes
    [2010-12-01 10:48:46 am] ---     Current Offsite Provider: ftp
    [2010-12-01 10:48:50 am] *** wpTimeMachine ajax request ***
    [2010-12-01 10:48:50 am] --- $_REQUEST["page"] = wpTimeMachineCore.php
    [2010-12-01 10:48:50 am] --- $_REQUEST["time"] = 1291200198020
    [2010-12-01 10:48:50 am] --- $_REQUEST["ajax"] = 1
    [2010-12-01 10:48:50 am] --- $_REQUEST["show_info"] = false

    Any idea ?

    WordPress 3.03 & WP-time-machie 1.9.16. Hosting: Media Temple.

    At my WordPress panel, wp-time-machine says that everything was allright. but NO dropbox UPLOAD.

    This are my last lines in the log

    [2010-12-16 6:07:35 pm] ---     wpTimeMachine-data-files.sql (MySQL dump, for tables that begin with: "fd_")
    [2010-12-16 6:07:35 pm] --- Initiate transfer to dropbox
    [2010-12-16 6:07:35 pm] --- Instantiate new DropboxUploader()

    If I try to generete the files like if it was a cron job, I got this message

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Cannot execute request: couldn't connect to host' in /nfs/c02/h05/mnt/18812/domains/decero.com/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-time-machine/includes/DropboxUploader.php:126 Stack trace: #0 /nfs/c02/h05/mnt/18812/domains/decero.com/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-time-machine/includes/DropboxUploader.php(85): DropboxUploader->request('https://www.dro...') #1 /nfs/c02/h05/mnt/18812/domains/decero.com/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-time-machine/includes/DropboxUploader.php(74): DropboxUploader->login() #2 /nfs/c02/h05/mnt/18812/domains/decero.com/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-time-machine/includes/wpTimeMachineSwitch.php5(23): DropboxUploader->upload('/nfs/c02/h05/mn...', '/DeCeroEN') #3 /nfs/c02/h05/mnt/18812/domains/decero.com/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-time-machine/includes/wpTimeMachineCron.php(212): require('/nfs/c02/h05/mn...') #4 /nfs/c02/h05/mnt/18812/domains/decero.com/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-time-machine/cron.php(3): include_once('/nfs/c02/h05/mn...') #5 {main} thrown in /nfs/c02/h05/mnt/18812/domains/decero.com/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-time-machine/includes/DropboxUploader.php on line 126

    Any HELP?

    Quite the same problem here with dropbox.
    Sometimes it uploads nothing, and sometimes it uploads the .txt files, the .sh file and the .sql file only. But the .sql file is empty and the .zip file is not uploaded.
    My log:

    [Log moderated. Please use the pastebin]
    Btw, it doesn’t work better with ftp :/

    PS: of course my table_prefix isn’t XXXXXXXX, I just hid it for security reason ??


    It’s working great! Must have been something in dropbox uploader, because I didn’t modify any file in the plugin or WordPress and suddenly started working fine, yay!

    No such luck for me. Works great on some websites but not on other ??
    My log

    I am also having some issues….it will work intermittently on one of the blogs I manage (no rhyme or reason when it will work) but I have yet to get a backup for the other, which is actually more important to me.

    [2011-01-25 2:30:27 pm] *** log cleared ***
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] *** wpTimeMachine plugin loaded 1.9.16 ***
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] --- System / Environmental Checks:
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---     WordPress: 3.0.4
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---     Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/8.0.552.237 Safari/534.10
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---     PHP: version 5.2.15
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---     cURL: version 7.21.0
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---     wp-content writable: yes
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---     Current Offsite Provider: dropbox
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] --- Start to generate archives...
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---     wpTimeMachine-content-files.zip, will contain:
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---          add: wp-content/wpTimeMachine_options.php
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---          add: wp-content/files
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---          add: wp-content/uploads
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---          add: wp-content/wpTimeMachine_log.txt
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---          add: wp-content/index.php
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---          add: wp-content/backup
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---          add: wp-content/plugins
    [2011-01-25 2:30:42 pm] ---          add: wp-content/themes

    pretty sure I did the code correct – if not, log is here: https://pastebin.com/CAnuJBCC

    I have tried multiple times, and it will not go any further than add: wp-content/themes but will always give me the “Your archives have been completed”. I have tested with FTP as well, and still no luck – hosted on HostGator. Any suggestions would be appreciated – willing to test out different scenarios!



    Followed the setup instructions word for word and have yet to successfully use this plug-in once. Seriously flawed programing to always report success even when there are errors and things are not completed correctly. Guess I will just go back to my cron + shell script solution, it may not integrate with drop box but at least it works (or notifies me if it fails)

    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] *** wpTimeMachine plugin loaded 1.9.16 ***
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] --- System / Environmental Checks:
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---     WordPress: 3.1
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---     Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/9.0.597.98 Safari/534.13
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---     PHP: version 5.2.16
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---     cURL: version 7.21.0
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---     wp-content writable: yes
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---     Current Offsite Provider: dropbox
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] --- Start to generate archives...
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---     wpTimeMachine-content-files.tar.gz, will contain:
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---          add: wp-content/themes
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---          add: wp-content/plugins
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---          add: wp-content/wpTimeMachine_options.php
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---          add: wp-content/index.php
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---          add: wp-content/wpTimeMachine_log.txt
    [2011-02-25 6:42:18 pm] ---          add: wp-content/uploads
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