• Hey there again,
    I finally was able to transfer my first files with the plugin so I’m quite excited, and would like to ask you a few questions to get into it:

    -first, when uploading files from local machines i will get the local ip logged in the wp_torrent_peers table, so far i’m updating them manually to be able to transfer… i tried a trigger on mysql but i guess that’s not such a good idea, so i’m willing to alter a little bit the code: any specific class/method you would point me to to get there faster?
    -other thing, i noticed for each uploaded file i’ll get a new record on wp_torrent_peers: shouldn’t the code identify it’s the same ‘user’ if having the same ip? what about leechers or people that isn’t sharing anymore, i imagine there’s probably a config so that only the active peers are saved to the db?
    -last but not least, clients will only communicate if i add https://mysite.com/announce/?passkey=%s to the tracker url. is there a way to get rid of this restriction? or is it a feature i’m not using the right way? i wonder if it has to do with private torrents and passwords, which is something i would really like to implement

    thanks for this script, i’ll to be in touch


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  • Plugin Author buznagn


    what do you mean you update them manually for them to be able to transfer? your client should update the tracker on every announce which is normally every 30 minutes or so depending on the setting in the admin panel. peers are added to the peers table when you start a torrent and should be deleted when you stop the torrent. the passkey feature can only be used with the members only function because it adds a passkey for each member, maybe in a future release i can sort something where it works for guest instead of it using ip. in the latest release i have update the code a bit better to choose between ip tracking or passkey tracking. if you are wanting to track torrents and upload and download then making people sign up and using passkey is normally the best way to go, a lot of times it is easier for the user because ip changes for some users who like to use seedboxes. as for lets say private torrents then that will also come in the future because it will require a bit more. in order for a torrent to be private then dht would need blocking on upload and a few other things like a friend modification which would only allow certain people to access that file, even locking the torrent post with the wordpress password feature would work a bit. all i can say at them moment is the plugin is going to be more for people who want to run a site a bit more open until it gets out of beta phase. there is a few more things i need to add, sort out and test before i can add some type of plugin system which would allow to add more features.

    Thread Starter numerico


    You mean just https://mysite.com/announce should work as the tracker address? Right now i’ll get a Missing Passkey error if set so, the only way i’ve succeeded transferring is adding /?passkey=%s to the url, which is being sent litterlaly like that… i imagine that %s is meant to be a wildcard isn’t it?
    (I have Members Only : NO.)
    Else, when you say registering, are we talking about the same user/pass that wordpress uses?


    Thread Starter numerico


    foreach (array("passkey","info_hash","peer_id","port","downloaded","uploaded","left") as $x)
    	if (!isset($$x))
    		err("Missing key: $x");

    i think this is the issue, in announce.php, while indeed the passkey is only used if we’re set to members only, the parameter is still required for the request.
    therefore in the wp_trader_peers table i’m getting all passkeys saved as %s, should this be?

    Plugin Author buznagn


    i have released an update where it sorts for when members only is set to know it can track by ip. in a future release which i hope will be the next release i will add where even if it is set to members only you can allow for the guest to be tracked by ip and members of the site that are logged in can be tracked by passkey. also one thing is when you update to the latest release i would go to the folder in the plugin for the announce and scrape and copy them over to your theme folder to make sure they get replaced because they have been updated. i know that can be a bit time consuming but at the moment the announce and scrape being outside of the plugin is last on my list to sort but in a later release i will see about getting it back into the plugin folder.

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