• This plugin can cause problems in the wp_head by adding html tags where they shouldn’t be. For example, this is some code I found in my wp_head, and I had to adjust the title of the post to remove an acronym because the plugin was putting a span around it.

    rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="What Is <span class="caps">SEO</span> Comments" href="https://techstudio.co/?feed=rss2&p=97" /></head><body
    class="body-class" id="loc-Mount Pleasant-SC">

    As you can see, the span tag in the title attribute breaks the code there.

    So this brings me to the suggestion, strip tags before passing the attritube to whatever code writes those link elements.


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  • GeraldS


    I have the same happening with <meta> Tags added by another plugin.
    <meta property="og:title" content="Multimeter <span class="caps">DT9205A</span>"/>
    The behaviour suggested above should be used in all <head> elements.

    Thread Starter TechStudio


    It’s a pretty simple fix. Whatever function in WP writes these meta tags needs to strip HTML from the content attribute first. We should bring this bug to the right attention for a fix in the WP core. Any idea where we post that?



    Since these are the support forums, my guess is “here”.
    But I added a link to this thread as a comment to the plugin announcement on the authors site.

    Thread Starter TechStudio


    My thought was that there might be a function in the WP core that writes meta tags for the head. If there is the content attribute may be passed as a variable. If that’s the case then that variable could have html stripped before writing the meta tag and this could all happen in the WP core. If so it would fix all the plugins that are causing this error all at once rather than plugin authors having to fix their plugins individually.

    Thread Starter TechStudio


    I opened a ticket in WordPress Trac. If it’s something that can be solved at the core hopefully it will be done. Otherwise this thread can be brought to the attention of plugin authors for individual fixes.


    Unfortunately, that ticket was closed on basis of a wrong assumption. The current version of wp-typography is still treating meta content like front end text.

    Plugin Contributor kingjeffrey


    Hopefully this FAQ will address your issue.

    No, it doesn’t. Thanks anyway.

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