• Hello
    I’m getting these warnings in the admin page:
    Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /nfs/c01/h11/mnt/11415/domains/blog.iws.com.ve/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-useronline/admin.php on line 263

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /nfs/c01/h11/mnt/11415/domains/blog.iws.com.ve/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-useronline/admin.php on line 263

    WordPress version: 2.9.2
    Plugin version: 2.70

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  • I deleted mine since i coded my right hand side not to use the plugin but show users still but just with the code instead and yeah users don’t appear I’ll wait till a stable version leaks!

    @curdaneta: Try re-activating it.

    Hi !
    After upgrade to 2.7 version on my website i can’t see anymore the number of my visitors, just i see this message:

    %USERONLINE_COUNT% Users Online

    what is wrong ?

    You should really use code for showing users plugins take a lot of resources my hosting people say thats why I coded both sides of my site for it. I had to delete the update of the plugin and went back to the the old version since the new one fucked my site up!

    <div id="sidebar2">
    <?php if (function_exists('useronline')): ?>

    • <div id="useronline-count"><?php get_useronline(); ?></div>

    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if (function_exists('get_users_browsing_site')): ?>
    <div id="useronline-browsing-site"><?php get_users_browsing_site(); ?></div>
    <?php endif; ?>

    As you can see in the picture that’s how it looks when you code the usersonline
    Also, I coded my chatbox from shoutmix, cause i can’t stand people being GUEST so when people log in there username is in the chatbox now its wicked RAD!! ?? W00t!!


    But, really just use plugins if you really have to, try something new and code save you a lot of resources

    Thread Starter Ciro Urdaneta


    After updating to version 2.71 I get this error ??

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method scbOptions::get_key() in /nfs/c01/h11/mnt/11415/domains/blog.iws.com.ve/html/wp-content/plugins/wp-useronline/admin.php on line 56

    BTW now the plugin works but my admin area is fucked. same error. I’ll try deactivating the plugin and removing DB records

    I get the same error…had to delete the plugin manually to access my dashboard.

    I posted about it here

    @scribu plz help!

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