• Resolved vusisindane


    Hi there, I’m trying to get the ‘rank’ of a post according to the number of votes it has. e.g. let’s say I have 3 posts.
    POSTA = 10 votes
    POSTB = 20 votes
    POSTC = 30 votes.

    Then POSTC should be ranked #1, POSTB #2 etc. I want to write a function that gets that rank. Is there an easier way to get this done? or should I just go ahead and hack the plugin?


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  • Yeah. It’s online. I will check this out and report.

    Ok, I gave up.

    How can I rank the posts in a loop?
    Is there a solution?

    I tried crazy things like <?php add_action( ‘Wpv_Top_Voted_Widget’ );?>
    but it’s not logical and it doesn’t work.

    Can somebody help me?

    This is the project site: https://goo.gl/ho8XF
    This is the project site with random sort: https://goo.gl/3mUep
    And now it would be pretty cool to have a site with rank: https://goo.gl/H7iHX

    Is there a solution to implement the rank like:

    Template Name: Ranking
    <?php get_header(); ?>
        if (is_page('ranking')) {
    		global $post;
    		$query_posts = wpvtopvoted($post);
        } else { ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>


    When do you release the new version with the feature “Top voted posts list shortcode”?

    I still need a ranking without a widget. I need it in the content.

    Best regards.




    here is my solution:

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]


    when i place the short code [wpvoting] onto a page, even if i place it after a few words, it shows up on the website before everything how do i fix this?

    Hey wper2012,

    can you repost your code right?
    I can’t see your solution!

    Best regards from Germany,


    Can you post the code, how did you made the “TOP IDEAS” ranking?
    How did you made this loop?

    Best regards from Germany,




    It works!!! Thank you! Very cool!

    Now I try to get this in the query_post.
    Because I want to put a filter-selection in the sidebar.
    One seletion is to sort all posts “random” and the other should be the “ranking”.
    But I can’t get it since hours.

    When it works, I will update here.

    Do you have any ideas?

    Best regards,

    The very easy way would be something like:

    query_posts( ‘orderby=result’ );

    I know, it can’t work. But is there any easy solution, like this?

    Is here no support?

    Is it possible to get the top voted results in the query_posts?
    My problem is this:

    My query_posts looks like this:

    But your top voted list looks like this:

    I have been asking here for this problem for 6 months now.
    Please look at all my posts.
    Is there a solution?

    Yes or No?

    Thank you,
    best regards! ??

    Plugin Author Ko Min



    Please use below code to alter query_posts.

    add_filter('posts_orderby', 'edit_posts_orderby');
    function edit_posts_join_paged($join_paged_statement) {
        global $wpdb;
        $join_paged_statement = "LEFT JOIN ".$wpdb->prefix."wpv_voting ON ".$wpdb->prefix."wpv_voting.post_id = $wpdb->posts.ID";
        return $join_paged_statement;
    function edit_posts_orderby($orderby_statement) {
        global $wpdb;
        $orderby_statement = "(".$wpdb->prefix."wpv_voting.vote_count) DESC";
        return $orderby_statement;

    Wrap those two filters with conditional statement not to effect every query_posts. Something like this if(!is_admin() && is_page('Home')){ //two filters }

    Cheers! ??

    Oh, that is soo great!

    Thank you very much!

    Best regards! ??

    Plugin Author Ko Min


    Great! happy to hear that ??

    Voce precisa urgente fazer estas melhorias:

    1-Ranking de posts votados com imagem(miniatura) do post.
    2-Ranking de pessoas que mais votaram, com imagem de perfil.
    3-Widget lateral para mostrar AO VIVO quem está a votar e o que est?o votando.

    Estes acessórios fariam do seu plugin o mais procurado do WordPress. No entanto, ainda assim, pude personalizar ele um pouco. Veja em meu site:


    You need to urgently make these improvements:

    First-rank posts voted with the image (thumbnail) of the post.
    2-rank of people who voted more with profile picture.
    3-side widget to display LIVE who are voting and what they are voting.

    These accessories would your plugin the most sought WordPress. However, still, I could customize it a bit. See my site:


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