Hi asshu
I have added a detailed description.
This plugin extends the basic webservices exposed by WordPress.
The new features include
*User management.
*Custom post type management.
*Custom taxonomy management.
*Setting management.
The new methods includes
wp.newUser – allows to create a new user
wp.editUser – edit user information
wp.deleteUser – delete a specfic user
wp.getUser – get information about a specific user
wp.getUsers – retrieve a list of users
wp.newPost – create a new post in any post type
wp.editPost – edit any post type
wp.deletePost – delete a specific post
wp.getPost – get any post from any post type
wp.getPosts – get a list of posts in the blog
wp.getPostType – get information about a specific post type
wp.getPostTypes – get a list of registered taxonomies
wp.getPostTerms – get terms associated with a post
wp.setPostTerms – set terms associated with a post
wp.getTaxonomy – get information about a specific taxonomy
wp.getTaxonomies – get a list of registered taxonomies
wp.newTerm – create a new term in a taxonomy
wp.editTerm – edit a term in a taxonomy
wp.deleteTerm – delete a term in a taxonomy
wp.getTerm – get information about a specific term in a taxonomy
wp.getTerms – get a list of term associated with a taxonomy
wp.getSettings – get blog settings
wp.updateSettings – update blog settings