[Plugin: WPBook Lite] Caught exception in publish to group Error validating application. Error code:
Hi there,
Have just installed WPBook Lite for the first time. I carefully followed the setup instructions (so I could post from my blog to my FB group as well) but keep getting the following message when I hit publish.
“Caught exception in publish to group Error validating application. Error code: 0”
I have no idea what this means, nor how to fix it. Can’t find any solutions on here to date.
Perhaps FB have just made a change that is now causing this problem? Or perhaps I have just set it up incorrectly.
Any ideas or feedback would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
@demaier please do try 1.2.5 – you will have to generate access code again after installing, but I believe the bug in 1.2.4 has been fixed.
Did you fix anything on 1.2.5? I already tried yesterday and throughout this past week with no success.
I was on 1.2.4 so I upgraded. I also tried making the group public. No luck. I turned on the debug file and that does not seem to be of much use. Note I hand-tweaked this data to avoid compromising security.
2012-02-21 00:47:32 : publish_to_facebook running, target_admin is 111???1626
2012-02-21 00:47:32 : Post ID is 586
2012-02-21 00:47:32 : My permalink is https://www.???.org/archives/586
2012-02-21 00:47:32 : Function does not exist, or no thumb
2012-02-21 00:47:32 : Post thumbail is
2012-02-21 00:47:32 : Post share link is
2012-02-21 00:47:32 : Past stream_publish, fb_response is
2012-02-21 00:47:32 : Group access token is AAAEuU9jvylABAIRdkTE5H5LeiFObZBehfg58RUAKljWMZBVbUZC2lg4vNyC4HppRh4fVNwqfXR8gV5jaWmalwZDZD&expires=5182965
2012-02-21 00:47:32 : Publishing to group 2???882860998
2012-02-21 00:47:32 : Publishing to group, image isAfter you upgraded, did you re-generate the access token?
There was a bug in 1.2.4 which was most likely making access tokens fail on generation.
What concerns me in the debug is the “expires=5182965” bit – that should not be part of the access token, since you’re granting offline access permissions which don’t have an expires.
Can you generate the access token again, then visit the WPBook Lite settings page and see if the expires is still there?
The group access token is the same as the individual profile one.
@johneckman Man I didn’t realize you updated the app I thought I had already tried the 1.2.5 but in fact I was having problem with the 1.2.4 as you know it.
I am going to update now and test it…
Thank you!
@johneckman Hey brother, the 1.2.5 version WORKED! Awesome.
I updated from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 and regenerated the key/token and voilà, worked.
Do you know why Facebook is not importing the image from the post?
You can see a screenshot from the test here: https://cl.ly/0R2p1s2q3h0V2d2Y0b2x
Thank you for your efforts in fixing it.
Daniel Maier@demaier Not sure what you mean about Facebook not importing the image from the post.
Are you posting as “posts” or as “links”?
Are you setting the “Featured Image” in the blog post inside WordPress?
If a featured image is set in WordPress, WPBook Lite (and WPBook) will send that image with the post – otherwise Facebook scans the URL and tries to identify the right image using open graph metadata (which WPBook does not add).
Simplest solution is to use Featured Images. If your WordPress theme doesn’t support Featured Images, you can modify it to do so: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-do-i-add-featured-image-support-to-any-theme?replies=24
Ok John,
I hit the generate link but it just says it successfully SAVED the token. The token did not change. That can’t be right. I am going to go mess with it some more. Thanks for all your help and hard work.–EDIT
I deauthorized the app in facebook and hit the generate link. This time it asked me for permissions and I said yes to everything. Then I got the success message. But the token displayed did NOT change. Odd!
Nathan@johneckman I have the WPBook Lite setup and when I post on WP it posts on my page but it always gets the image from the main website and not from the post itself as the featured image.
I just added the function on my theme to have the featured images active and I also setup a image for the post but it didn’t work yet.
This is the post: https://cl.ly/3D3I3j3f0Q0i0a1p1C13 and the same image shown here is the featured image setup on WP.
But when posted with WPBook on Facebook it shows up like this: https://cl.ly/0U2l0e0i2F2q0V3H3Y46 importing the logo from the website or from the meta data setup conforming Facebook recommendations (open graph metadata).
Do you know if using the open graph metadata and featured images it will work? Or if I start setting up the featured images Facebook will override with the meta data image?
I will review all the meta data and see if anything is wrong as well.
Thank you for your help! I appreciate it.
Daniel MaierDaniel – are you publishing as Posts, as Notes, or as Links?
If you publish as Posts, the featured_image is sent by WPBook Lite as an attachment to the post. In my experience, this works independent of what the open graph metadata says, but I can’t claim to have tested every possible combination of metadata. (You are setting the featured image *before* publishing?)
If you publish as Links, the image will be taken from what Facebook finds in the metadata. (The Facebook API doesn’t allow for providing an image attached to a link, as it is designed to go get that link from the url itself).
Facebook publishes a tool here: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
You can put your blog post permalink URL in there and see what the metadata says.
Hi John,
I was posting as a “post” and also using the “like” button on the website (post area).
I figured out that my Open Graph was setup for a static information about the main website and not dynamically for each ‘single’ post!
So I found some smart codes that I could use and it seem to be working now with certain particularities.The code I have found and I also tweaked a bit is this one:
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
All this settings will allow you to use the Open Graph and the social plugins I believe! ??
I mentioned before about some particularities of Facebook. So whenever I was testing all this settings with my already existent posts, Facebook was fetching the wrong metadata, it was importing the metadata as if I was posting the main web site and not the posts.
This was happening simply using the like button on the post, or copying the post permalink and manually posting on my Facebook page and this only happened if the permalink had a ‘/’ (slash) at the end of the URL!!! Very weird!!! If I removed the end slash Facebook would import the correct name and image from the post.
So I went to Facebook URL Linter (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug) and tested each post with the ending slash (Ex.: https://www.MY-DOMAIN.com/POST-PERMALINK/) and after this for each post Facebook started fetching/importing the correct information of my WordPress posts!
This might have happened if my posts were on Facebook’s cache and debugging every permalink seemed to update their cache for some reason and it started working.
I haven’t tried with a new post with image yet but I will do it soon to see if everything is really working or not.I don’t know if it is applicable but you should consider in adding this settings to WPBook, it would make it a combo with the Open Graph customized for fetching the first image of the post if none were setup with featured image.
Thanks a lot for your help John!
Daniel MaierIf anybody would learn more about the Facebook channel file, access: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/
Daniel – WPBook used to actually take the first image in a post and send that to Facebook, but I prefer using featured_image – that way you can use as a featured image something which need not even appear in the post, and changing the order of photos doesn’t affect it.
I prefer not to implement the Facebook open graph metadata in WPBook because there are other plugins which do that – people want open graph metadata in their blogs even if they are not running WPBook and I think it makes sense for the two to be separate.
I see that John and makes a lot of sense ??
I just tweaked the function on that code to search for all images on a post or page, this is useful if you want to publish a page and choose what image to show related with the page but it may only apply for determined people/business.
I wish in the function I could check if there is any ‘featured image’ set and if not search for all the images on the post/page and if doesn’t find any add a default image such as business logo. But the beginning I don’t know how to do. Do you have any clue how to check if a post/image has a featured image set (in PHP)? So then I could add to my code.
Thanks a lot bro.
Take a look at publish_to_facebook.php in the WPBook code, in the includes folder – that does a check to see the post thumbnail function exists, and then if it has been set for the current post.
post thumbnail == featured image.
Awesome, I will take a look.
Thanks a lot man.
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