@bart Its unfortunate that we are having these issues, I wonder how many others are. Ping.fm used to work like a charm, frustrating to hear that things have gone downhill.
I send an @repy on Twitter to Seismic and heard back from someone but haven’t had the time to follow up with it. I’ll post on here if and when I get it resolved.
In the mean time I’m using the post2pingfm plugin but like Doug I cannot get my api to work as it has been suspended.
@doug I thought that the new api key restriction was limited to new api’s been issued to developers and not end users but I could be wrong.
@doug, I would be more than willing to get plugin developed or to even develop a service like ping.fm as I’m tired finding services like this and seeing them eventually not work or be abandoned.
Anyway, in the meantime, I’m using the networked blogs service and have my account posting on my FB Fan page and Profile as well as my Twitter Stream which are the major platforms I’m using but it would be nice to be able to post to the others.
Again, I’ll keep you posted on any updates from my end.