• We’ve got the comment merging working with the latest WordPress and WPML for all post types. Caveat: I have a very strong feeling that this patch won’t help if you want to use translated comments, but I may be wrong about that (so test if you want to use this feature and don’t just trust me).

    Replace the merge_comments function in the latest version of the plugin with this:

    function merge_comments($comments, $post_ID) {
    	global $sitepress;
    	remove_filter( 'comments_clauses', array( $sitepress, 'comments_clauses' ) );
    	// get all the languages for which this post exists
    	$languages = icl_get_languages('skip_missing=1');
    	$post = get_post( $post_ID );
    	$type = $post->post_type;
    	foreach($languages as $code => $l) {
    		// in $comments are already the comments from the current language
    		if(!$l['active']) {
    			$otherID = icl_object_id($post_ID, $type, false, $l['language_code']);
    			$othercomments = get_comments( array('post_id' => $otherID, 'status' => 'approve', 'order' => 'ASC') );
    			$comments = array_merge($comments, $othercomments);
    	if ($languages) {
    		// if we merged some comments in we need to reestablish an order
    		usort($comments, 'sort_merged_comments');
    	add_filter( 'comments_clauses', array( $sitepress, 'comments_clauses' ) );
    	return $comments;

    If you want a diff, you can find one here: https://pastebin.com/f1VFG4t2

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  • Thread Starter Simon Wheatley


    Just noticed that you need the following amend to the beginning of merge_comment_count to make that work correctly with custom post types:

    function merge_comment_count($count, $post_ID) {
    	// get all the languages for which this post exists
    	$languages = icl_get_languages('skip_missing=1');
    	$post = get_post( $post_ID );
    	$type = $post->post_type;
    	foreach($languages as $l) {

    (then the rest unchanged)

    Here’s the diff.

    Hi guys,
    why are you not updating the plugin ?

    I opened that discussion months ago:

    And now I discovered that you resolved the problem here,
    but the plugin in wordpress plugin repository is still not working.

    Thanks for the good fix.

    Thank you Simon for this fix. Saved my bacon!!

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