• When typing in the path for the installation of SMF, the plugin only provides the fixed path as from /home/user/public_html

    But i am also using an addon domain on my server, and my actual forum path is /home/user/forum

    How do i modify this? I can only access as from the public_html folder.

    By the way, i redid my entire blog conversion to SMF for my 4050 posts and i noticed that the conversion only did 999 posts at a time and then it stopped. So, i re-selected all posts not synchronized and the converter synchronized another 999 posts only. Anyway, i was able to convert all 4050 posts, but the conversion is only possible by converting 999 posts at a time. Just a note for others trying out the plugin.


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  • i have no idea what is causing this since its only a foreach script…

    i remove the timeout and add a 100ms pause on each pass to prevent server escape…

    is it possible to some one provide me a sql backup of the post table so i can test it and debug myself?

    about your problem with the SSI.php path…i believe that if you put “../forum” it will work ??

    Hi SchattenMann

    Just making sure i understand – you want the sql post table from WordPress or SMF? I will try to help…


    I need a wp_posts table with 3000 or 4000 posts so i can test the synch…

    Oh! I do not have such a huge table… I thought you needed just a generic table from a new WP installation… Is there any way to make a few thousand bogus posts just to test this? Maybe some other WP plugin?

    no idea ??

    Thread Starter shaks


    I just tested what you said by just putting /forum and it did not find the forum. I think you missed what i told you from my first post.
    My forum path is different from the default one that you put to start as from /public_html
    My forum path is a folder in parallel to public_html, meaning in the same directory as the folder public_html
    Also, i just tested the new unlink feature and it only unlinks 996 posts and then it reloads the page. Now, i have no way to unlink the rest. You should also include another option “select all synchronized posts” so that i can unlink 996 posts at a time, manually.

    About sql post table, i really want to help you to debug this plugin properly, but my blog posts table contains sensitive information… so i hope you don’t feel bad that i cannot share it with anyone. ??
    It’s not that i don’t trust you, but i’m not sure that my other blog contributors would agree to give away a backup of the blog.

    Isn’t there any other way to do that? Maybe a post generator for WP? It can post random text quickly and fill up the WP post table. That should be quite easy to make, if someone hasn’t done it already? ??

    Thread Starter shaks


    I have tried to export the unlinked posts and it doesn’t work. So, there is no way to synchronize unlinked posts with the forum. I am going to try 0.2.0 to see if i can use that to export the posts. This is a serious bug in 0.2.1

    i didn’t change any export code…only css

    indeed i’m using 0.2.1 now and its working…

    Thread Starter shaks


    I have been able to synchronize the unlinked from 0.2.1 by using 0.2.0 to synchronize the blog posts to the forum. I think something was broken in 0.2.1 and you can test this easily with just a few blog posts. Install 0.2.1 and synchronize these posts to the forum, then unlink them and delete the forum posts. Then try to synchronize them again (in 0.2.1, the synchronize option is called export) and you will see that nothing happens! I then used 0.2.0 to synchronize/export and it works, but i still have to manually convert 999 posts at a time.

    i’ll look into it today!

    also…can you give me your wp_post table backup or is there any confidencial information?

    there was a stupid typo error on 0.2.1 preventing to export post correctly…new version comming out in 5min

    Thread Starter shaks


    Hi SchattenMann

    I just tried the latest plugin version 0.3 and i get the multiple installed copies of your plugin and no plugin menu after activation??

    Sorry, but for my wp_post table, this is the problem… I have confidential information in most of the WP posts… Maybe someone else can help you? Anyway, i will try to ask the other contributors on my blog, if they agree, but i’m not sure. :S
    Anyway, i will see if i create many posts for you to test. ??


    about your posts….i don’t care about the content

    just do a update wp_posts set field_you_want_to_hide = ‘dummy text’

    Can i replicate my own database for this?

    yes you can…

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