• I have a wordpress blog since almost 3 years now, and i wanted to convert all of my existing topics to SMF. i succeeded in the conversion to SMF 2.0 RC3. So, thank you very much! BUT there is a problem with the date on the topics created in the SMF forum, as the newest topics appear as the oldest, and vice-versa. I think this can be fixed simply by reversing the way that your wordpress plugin parses through the existing wordpress posts.

    Also, it would be very helpful if you included a “check all” option when using the “synchronize” menu. I have over 3000 posts, so i had to check each post one by one. It took me almost 2 days. And half way through this conversion, my server timeout saying i exceeded the 30 secs or something about maximum memory allocated exceeded. So, could you please fix your great plugin so that it pauses every 5 seconds or so, so that it does not overload the server, when synchronizing huge blogs, with thousands of posts, like mine.


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  • never thought of this possibility…3000 posts…:S

    i create the plugin to start the Blog and Forum at the same time and added the utility for fun…

    i’ll look into it.

    i’ll look the timeout stuff too.

    i didn’t understand your date problem…can you explain it better please?

    Thread Starter shaks


    Hi SchattenMann

    First, thank you very much for your reply and for making this fantastic plugin! Though you might not be fully aware, your plugin’s functionality is actually a highly requested utility that you have created. In my long research, your plugin is the only one in the whole world that allows converting a WordPress blog into a SMF forum. So, well done with your plugin’s synchronize option! It’s a life saver for those who would otherwise have to post each WordPress post one by one in their SMF forum.

    About the date problem, i mean, the date/time that the topics are created in the SMF forum. Let me explain further – on my blog, i have close to 4000 posts, since my blog has been online for a long time, with many contributors. So, when i use your plugin’s synchronize option, it converts these blog posts into forum topics but the problem is that the plugin creates all the SMF topics starting from the newest blog post and the conversion ends with the oldest blog post. Now, when i go the SMF forum, i see that the oldest posts from my blog appear on the first page of the forum, as the newest topics. This should have been the other way round. Meaning, that your plugin’s synchronize option should create new topics in the forum, starting with the oldest blog posts, instead of the newest blog posts. Anyone would prefer to have their newest blog posts to show on the first page of a forum’s board, rather than having to browse the last pages of the forum for the latest blog posts. I think this should be easy to fix.

    Also, in your plugin’s synchronize menu, could you please add more information, like the total number of blog posts listed. That way, i can know if the list shown comprises of all of the blog posts. I ask this, because after i converted all my blog posts (by selecting only about 200 posts at a time, to prevent my server from getting timeout problems) i checked in my SMF forum and it is missing about 600 topics. My total blog posts is about 4000. But the converted number of topics in the SMF forum only shows about 3400.

    Also, could you make it so that your plugin (or another version of it) works with SMF 1.1.11? SMF 2.0 is still not finalized, so it’s not stable to be used on big sites.

    i’ll start looking into all that stuff m8 ;P

    about the ordering i thought the new/old post was order (in SMF) by date, not id, so i never worried myself about that…i’ll try to fix that sooner!

    about SMF 1.1.11 i’ll take a look to see if SSI.php is much diferent or not…

    (have you tested? cuz it might work…)

    Thread Starter shaks


    To try if the conversion works with SMF 1.1.11, i installed a brand new SMF 1.1.11 forum at a different location in my public_html folder.

    In WPSMF plugin Options menu, i changed the SMF path to the new forum SMF 1.1.11
    Then i clicked on the “Update Options” button. It said “Options saved”.

    Then i clicked on Synchronize, and this is what i get:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare is_admin() (previously declared in /home/shaks/public_html/blog/wp-includes/load.php:566) in /home/shaks/public_html/forum2/Sources/Security.php on line 839

    I cannot use my blog anymore. It’s completely broken. It shows the error above on all pages that i try to access on my WordPress blog.

    My WordPress blog is installed at /public_html/blog
    and the SMF 1.1.11 is installed at /public_html/forum2

    I guess your plugin is not compatible with SMF 1.1.11 after all.

    Is there any way to fix my WordPress blog?

    it seems that SMF 1.1.11 probably have a function named is_admin() and wordpress too so they are conflicting…

    since you can’t access your WP admin page i sugest that you

    use ftp to rename forum2 folder so WP won’t load SSI.php
    use ftp to rename WPSMF plugin folder so it will not be load with your blog and then deactivate it
    use phpmyadmin to deactivate the plugin itself

    sry for the problem, i never thought that would hapen….

    either way is never good idea to teste something on a production site ??

    Thread Starter shaks


    I renamed the forum2 folder, and my WordPress blog is now back online and your plugin appears to still be working. Thank you.

    You are right, i should be more careful when testing new plugins on my actual sites. ??

    But you are doing a really great job with this new plugin, so i will be watching the development very closely. I am sure that many many more people will use your plugin to convert their WordPress blog, as you fix and improve it further.

    Let me know if you need any help to do any testing, in order to accelerate the development process. I can create a backup of my blog and SMF forums and work with these safely, without affecting my actual blog.

    I can’t wait to launch my final converted WordPress to SMF forum! ??

    latter – probably today – i think i’ll need you ??

    im improving some code and i was goind to create 3000 post on WP to export but if you can do that for me that would be great ??

    Thread Starter shaks


    Create 3000 posts?! LOL

    No, my friend, i will definitely help you! ??

    Just let me know when you have released an updated version of your plugin and i will test it for you.

    Thanks again for all your efforts.

    0.2 released…

    please test it when you have the time ??

    waiting for feedback ??

    Thread Starter shaks


    I am testing it right now. Sorry for the wait, but i had to setup a new SMF forum 2.0 RC3. I also deactivated the 0.1 wpsmf plugin and deleted it. Then i installed the new 0.2 wpsmf plugin and i like the new screen when i click on synchronize.

    In synchronize menu, at the bottom of the long page (because i have many posts), i see this (in a row):

    Total Posts

    Total Posts Synchronized

    Total Posts Not Synchronized

    But i do not understand what the “not synchronized” means? Do i have to synchronize all my WordPress posts first?

    The unsynchronized posts appear in red color, which is nice, to distinguish it easily from the other synchronized posts. These unsynchronized posts did not appear in the list, when using WPSMF 0.1 and they were not converted to SMF. So, excellent work! ??

    I am going to convert all the 4050 posts now.

    you only have to convert the missing 687 posts

    to do that you can use the “select all unsynchronized posts” button

    please tell me how it works!

    Thread Starter shaks


    First thing i did was to click on “Select All Not Sinc” (that’s a typo error. Surely, you mean Sync and not Sinc). Just a small thing, but i want to help you to make this plugin perfect. I will also help you to write documentation on it, if you want. ??

    When i clicked on “Select All Not Sinc”, this action selected all the unsynchronized posts in red color. Then i scrolled down to the bottom of the page and i clicked on “Synchronize” button.
    This made new topics inside the SMF forum. All the unsynchronized topics were transferred inside the SMF forum and the order in which the original blog posts were made, are the same for the SMF topics. So the date problem has been fixed. ??

    Now, when the “synchronize” menu reloaded, all the posts were in black color and none were in red color, so that means all posts were now synchronized.
    At the bottom of the page, i now see this (in a row):

    Total Posts
    Total Posts Synchronized
    Total Posts Not Synchronized
    Posts Synchronized Now
    Posts Not Synchronized Now

    So, now i click on “Select All” link at the top of the page and i click on “Synchronize” button at the bottom of the page.
    Now, i wait until all the posts are being transferred to the SMF forum.

    The page reloads, but the number of topics in the SMF forum is unchanged and is still 687.

    At the bottom of the synchronize page, i now see this (in a row):

    Total Posts
    Total Posts Synchronized
    Total Posts Not Synchronized
    Posts Synchronized Now
    Posts Not Synchronized Now

    Now, the “Posts Synchronized Now” value has changed, but i don’t understand why and nothing else has changed on the SMF forum.

    Now, i refresh the WordPress synchronize menu. I click on “Select All” and click “synchronize” button. But there are no new topics added to the SMF forum.

    I think something was broken along the way. Only the unsynchronized posts selected at the very beginning was converted. After that, no posts can be converted to SMF, as the page just reloads and nothing is added to the forum. I have used a new forum for this new conversion, and now only 687 topics can be converted. How to convert the rest?

    you can’t duplicate a WP post into 2 SMF threads…

    is a post has not been sync it will be created BUT if it has been sync before it will only update the SMF thread…

    edit one WP post and you will see what i mean ??

    also if you have sync a WP post and later change the SMF forum to a clean one, to WP that post has been sync and will try to update it.

    i have to create a delete option to remove sync posts

    PS: what defines if a post is sync or not is the smf_topic_id and smf_board_id custom post fields…remove it and it will create a new one

    Thread Starter shaks


    I checked the number of posts on the SMF forum for each member that has been mapped, and their post count is now showing correctly. This part was broken in 0.1

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