• Resolved Taylor Baybutt


    I would like to manually query the products so I can style them more customized. Are products posts? If so, what parameters would I need to customize a query lie the shortcodes can be customized.

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  • Plugin Author jquindlen


    The table you query is wp_wpstorecart_products where wp_ is your WordPress database prefix. In PHP it’d be something like:
    $wpdb->prefix . "wpstorecart_products"

    which I am sure that you know, but I wrote for clarities sake for anyone else who may read this in the future.

    Here’s the database schema for wp_wpstorecart_products

    primkey 	int(11)
    	name 	varchar(512)
    	introdescription 	text
    	description 	text
    	thumbnail 	varchar(512)
    	price 	decimal(9,2)
    	shipping 	decimal(9,2)
    	download 	varchar(512)
    	tags 	text
    	category 	int(11)
    	inventory 	int(11)
    	dateadded 	int(8)
    	postid 	int(11)
    	timesviewed 	int(11)
    	timesaddedtocart 	int(11)
    	timespurchased 	int(11)
    	useinventory 	tinyint(1)

    Keep an eye out for version 2.0.6 which is nearing completion, as it polishes the admin interface, fixes several bugs that arise in certain situations, implements some functional improvements, checks for common misconfigurations, and more.

    If you come up with some better ways to spit the products out, consider sending them to me or posting them on the forums and I may commit them if they’ll help other users.

    Styles, checkout customization, video tutorial integration, and WordPress themes designed specifically for wpStoreCart are next on the agenda development wise in the short term. My goal though is to try to never, ever, break backward compatibility.

    In the future, please use our wpStoreCart support forums, as we do not actively/regularly monitor this www.ads-software.com forum at this time. Thanks for checking out our plugin, and feel free to offer feature suggestions at our forum as well.

    Thread Starter Taylor Baybutt


    Thanks for the query info, I also sent you an email about it so you can disregard that. I’ll try to implement this now.

    I was just about to post a bug in the forum. But since you’re monitoring this, apostrophes in product titles don’t work.

    Plugin Author jquindlen


    Thanks taxbax, I’ll look into that ??

    Thread Starter Taylor Baybutt


    no offense but a lot of this plugin seems backwards. While you’re publishing a post for each product and just setting the content to be the shortcode, why not just make it a custom post type with custom fields and a few modifications to handle ordering/quantity/payment, etc. It would make it a lot easier for end users to customize and apply to their exisiting sites.

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