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  • Thanks for reporting this— we’ll investigate and hopefully fix it in the next release.

    What is going on with this issue anything

    Hi craig,

    We’ll continue to look at this. Thanks.



    It is 3 months and still nothing about this problem? Really annoying problem you know…

    here’s a dirty fix that may apply for the free version of wptouch:

    open wptouch.php:

    go around LN 946 and where it reads:

    $query = "SELECT * from {$table_prefix}posts
    where ID in (" . implode(',', $keys) . ") and post_status = 'publish'
     order by post_title asc";

    change the order by clause from post_title to menu_order

    it worked for me on 3.1.x

    That worked fine, thanks!!

    Thanks giacomo skriptico! Worked just fine on 1.9.5. Much appreciated.

    We’ve tested the alpha and page ID functions of WPtouch version and found they work as expected. You may be experiencing a plugin conflict that is preventing WPtouch from behaving as set.

    To isolate which plugin(s) may be contributing to the trouble, deactivate all except WPtouch from within the WordPress Plugins area, clear your browser cache and local data, then test.

    If WPtouch functions well, you may then enable the rest of your plugins one at a time, repeating the process, until you can identify which is/are causing the problem.

    I would like to order by menu order or inputted order number as well since I know of no way to change the page ID, and order by page ID is the only other option I have besides by name. That orders them by the same order as the page was created, which doesn’t work for me. I looked in wptouch.php but my version doesn’t appear to match what was given. Any help? Thanks!

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