• Resolved Nickie_VZ



    When trying to view the mobile site on my Samsung Galaxy Siii, it displays OK initially but the search function or menu does not respond when you touch these on screen.

    Will the plugin be updated for the new Android OS or is this another issue? It works fine on my Motorola Android and on the iphone.




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  • Sorry tomavip, I use a plugin for showing pictures in gallery from picasa and poping them up with Lightbox. Not working so well on mobile, but it’s a secondary problem, for me, right now.

    For the instance, I’ve checked the AidenC workaround in other mobiles than Android 4.2 with stockbrowser and, surprisingly, the mobile site is not showing correctly (absence of css, it seems), just like was showing on Android 4.2 stockbrowser before the workaround.

    So, it fixes on one hand, but on the other it brokes them!

    Getting back to the original files without AidenC mods. Sorry!

    Yes for me WP Touch is bugged on 4.2.2 stock browser. I’m using now JetPack for mobile support and everything is fine.
    Jetpack has less option and less sexy but it works fine contrary to WPTouch…

    What are the team of developpers are doing to fix this issue (first post on this issue was 8 months ago…)???

    I’m sick and tired of this… I also decided to start using JetPack stock rendering, because it seems no one cares to fix the issue.

    I’m vivid Android (and Dolphin browser) user and I do find this unacceptable :(.

    Hopefully, the issue will be fixed, so I can go back to WP-Touch, which I like much more than JetPack.

    I’m totally with tomavip and donangel. I was also using JetPack temporarily until the wptouch team found a fix for that big bug that it’s (at least) 8 months old, already!!!

    Borrowing on what AidenC said. I think I have found a solution. His workaround works but it changes the logic of the code which may cause other problems unforeseen.

    Since Android 4.1.1 the ‘HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH’ parameter is set to “com.android.browser” for all non-ajax requests. If you want to check for ajax requests you need to check that HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH is set and that
    strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest'

    So here is how you fix WPTouch:

    Edit the first line in:
    “themes/default/page.php”, “themes/default/index.php” and “themes/default/single.php”

    Replace with this code:

    <?php global $is_ajax;
    if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') {
    else {
     if (!$is_ajax) get_header(); ?>

    Hi Jason Heithoff,

    I tried your code, it seems to work fine for the moment.
    Thank you for your help (and thanks to AidenC as well:))

    Hey Jason! Great work fixing the AidenC workaround!!

    Thank you! It works for me, for the moment (I will be testing in some different smartphones…)


    Hello, could someone help a Noob out? This code sounds really interesting, but I can’t see the theme.php files referenced when I use the plugin editor in WP. How do I access those files?

    Thanks in advance.

    Please disregard, logged into server and saw these files.

    And it worked! Looks great. This is my first plugin code hack. Thanks for sharing your expertise with a beginner via this thread.

    Hi Jason,

    you made my day ??

    Does anyone know if that fix by Jason has been incorporated in WPTouch Pro 3?

    Is the fix working for everyone?

    Can Bravenewcode code comment on this?


    WPtouch Pro 3.0 has tested to be fully compatible with the current Android release.

    WPtouch Pro 3.0 has tested to be fully compatible with the current Android release.

    Hello BraveNewCode, thanks for taking the time to update everyone in the thread. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for wp-touch as I’ve used it for a few years and been very happy with it.

    I’m not certain at the moment I’ll be able to purchase WPtouch Pro. I was just curious if the fix will eventually be pushed out to the users of the free wp-touch plugin?

    I just want to know if I should start looking for an alternative, saving for WPpro, or simply disable wp-touch on my site.

    Thanks in advice for any reply.

    You can’t blame BraveNewCode for dragging their feet on a free plugin that all the [Degrading comment moderated] want. It’s constant work to keep up with new mobile devices, and if nobody buys their Pro version, they won’t be able to pay for development for anything. They should just dump the free version. I’ve already dumped it and gone with responsive themes. With so many responsive themes out there to choose from, you really don’t need WPtouch anymore unless you need the specialized features of the Pro version.

    Fix worked for me on HTC ONE S. Thanks

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