• Hi Mitchoyoshitaka,

    Just wanted to inform you that we have had 3 crashes that froze the server plus our rss feeds were locked (not sure if related, feeds were unreadable error code for password protected feeds even though they are not)

    Operating system Linux
    CPU GenuineIntel, Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.80GHz
    MySQL – 5.0.45
    phpMyAdmin –
    using wp8.3 with the latest Yarp.

    Below are excerpts from mysqld.log
    090810 11:46:45 [ERROR] Got error 134 when reading table ‘./leslie/wordpress_yarpp_related_cache’
    090810 11:46:53 [ERROR] Got error 134 when reading table ‘./leslie/wordpress_yarpp_related_cache’
    090810 12:27:35 [ERROR] Got error 134 when reading table ‘./leslie/wordpress_yarpp_related_cache’
    090810 12:27:40 [ERROR] Got error 134 when reading table ‘./leslie/wordpress_yarpp_related_cache’
    090810 12:27:51 [ERROR] Got error 134 when reading table ‘./leslie/wordpress_yarpp_related_cache’
    090810 12:27:59 [ERROR] Got error 134 when reading table ‘./leslie/wordpress_yarpp_related_cache’
    090810 17:09:22 [ERROR] Got error 134 when reading table ‘./leslie/wordpress_yarpp_related_cache’
    090810 17:09:30 [ERROR] Got error 134 when reading table ‘./leslie/wordpress_yarpp_related_cache’
    090810 19:51:17 mysqld started
    090810 19:51:17 InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!
    InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.


    Version: ‘5.0.45’ socket: ‘/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock’ port: 3306 Source distribution
    090810 21:52:19 [ERROR] Got error 134 when reading table ‘./leslie/wordpress_yarpp_related_cache’
    090810 21:52:24 [ERROR] Got error 134 when reading table ‘./leslie/wordpress_yarpp_related_cache’
    InnoDB: Warning: a long semaphore wait:
    –Thread 2996206480 has waited at log0log.c line 1986 for 242.00 seconds the semaphore:
    S-lock on RW-latch at 0xb7da919c created in file log0log.c line 801
    a writer (thread id 2996206480) has reserved it in mode exclusive
    number of readers 0, waiters flag 1
    Last time read locked in file log0log.c line 1986
    Last time write locked in file log0log.c line 1782
    InnoDB: ###### Starts InnoDB Monitor for 30 secs to print diagnostic info:
    InnoDB: Pending preads 0, pwrites 0

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  • @t34se, this seems like an underlying mysql engine issue. Apparently the table is corrupt. Please try check table wp_yarpp_related_cache extended and let me know what you get.

    You can then repair table wp_yarpp_related_cache. If that doesn’t work, feel free to just drop the table… YARPP should attempt to rebuild it.

    You can also make sure that the two YARPP tables and the wp_posts table are using MyISAM as the engine.

    Thread Starter t34se


    Hi Hi Mitchoyoshitaka,

    MySQL said:

    #145 – Table ‘./leslierad/wordpress_yarpp_related_cache’ is marked as crashed and should be repaired.

    I removed YARP last night and no further crashes, rather than repair the table I will delete it and try YARP again,

    BTW I’m now using WP 8.4 and your Plugin Page supports to 8.2, should it be OK?

    Thanks for the quick support and great plugin.

    @T34e, 8.4 is supported.

    Thread Starter t34se


    Hi Hi Mitchoyoshitaka,

    Just had another crash after the reinstall, am gonna try isolate the issue by removing YARP for now,

    I just checked the all the tables you mentioned and all were fine plus are are/were using MyISAM

    The below was the only warning in the tables


    post_content + yarpp_content

    Warning image: More than one FULLTEXT key was created for column post_content

    Nothing else for us to do now but wait a few days to see if it is YARP or something else.

    @t34se, hmm… thanks for testing and keeping me updated. :/

    I also experienced a similar crash, 4 times it took down my dedicate server with 8 cpu.

    I see yarpp, in the error log, i have to assume its this plugin.
    This happened on 2 of my sites last night, running wp 2.9 and yarpp latest version.

    # Time: 100126 23:10:51
    # User@Host: @ localhost []
    # Query_time: 41 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 17198049
    use ;
    SET timestamp=1264569051;
    insert into wp_yarpp_related_cache (reference_ID,ID,score) SELECT 649, ID, (0+ (MATCH (post_content) AGAINST (‘health breakfast recipe share post hqhealthy meal enjoy videos important check video healthy try diet hq ‘)) * 1+ (MATCH (post_title) AGAINST (‘meal important breakfast recipe healthy ‘)) * 1+ COUNT( DISTINCT tagtax.term_taxonomy_id ) * 1+ COUNT( DISTINCT cattax.term_taxonomy_id ) * 1) as score
    from wp_posts
    left JOIN wp_term_relationships AS thistag ON (thistag.object_id = 649 )
    left JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tagrel on (tagrel.term_taxonomy_id = thistag.term_taxonomy_id
    AND tagrel.object_id = wp_posts.ID)
    left JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tagtax ON ( tagrel.term_taxonomy_id = tagtax.term_taxonomy_id
    AND tagtax.taxonomy = ‘post_tag’)
    left JOIN wp_term_relationships AS thiscat ON (thiscat.object_id = 649 )
    left JOIN wp_term_relationships AS catrel on (catrel.term_taxonomy_id = thiscat.term_taxonomy_id
    AND catrel.object_id = wp_posts.ID)
    left JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS cattax ON ( catrel.term_taxonomy_id = cattax.term_taxonomy_id
    AND cattax.taxonomy = ‘category’)
    where (post_status IN ( ‘publish’, ‘static’ ) and ID != ‘649’) and post_password =”
    group by id
    having score >= 2.50 order by score desc limit 5 on duplicate key update date = now();

    other site

    # Time: 100126 21:24:52
    # User@Host: @ localhost []
    # Query_time: 222 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 13907985
    use ;
    SET timestamp=1264562692;
    insert into wp_yarpp_related_cache (reference_ID,ID,score) SELECT 1244, ID, (0+ (MATCH (post_content) AGAINST (‘blizzcon goblin 2009 mmo marketplace morhaime mount map path leveling illidan itemisation legendary preview levelling qa warlocks warlock worgen wow ‘)) * 1+ (MATCH (post_title) AGAINST (‘gameplay starting quests goblin warcraft 2009 world blizzcon ‘)) * 1+ COUNT( DISTINCT tagtax.term_taxonomy_id ) * 1+ COUNT( DISTINCT cattax.term_taxonomy_id ) * 1) as score
    from wp_posts
    left JOIN wp_term_relationships AS thistag ON (thistag.object_id = 1244 )
    left JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tagrel on (tagrel.term_taxonomy_id = thistag.term_taxonomy_id
    AND tagrel.object_id = wp_posts.ID)
    left JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tagtax ON ( tagrel.term_taxonomy_id = tagtax.term_taxonomy_id
    AND tagtax.taxonomy = ‘post_tag’)
    left JOIN wp_term_relationships AS thiscat ON (thiscat.object_id = 1244 )
    left JOIN wp_term_relationships AS catrel on (catrel.term_taxonomy_id = thiscat.term_taxonomy_id
    AND catrel.object_id = wp_posts.ID)
    left JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS cattax ON ( catrel.term_taxonomy_id = cattax.term_taxonomy_id
    AND cattax.taxonomy = ‘category’)
    where (post_status IN ( ‘publish’, ‘static’ ) and ID != ‘1244’) and post_password =”
    group by id
    having score >= 2.50 order by score desc limit 5 on duplicate key update date = now();
    /usr/libexec/mysqld, Version: 5.0.89-log (Source distribution). started with:
    Tcp port: 0 Unix socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

    Not sure why this caused a “crash”, though it may have been slow… was this in the slow query log?

    Same here. A complete server crash after activating the plugin. It works fine on my local testing Wamp environment but putting it online with the live website caused the website to crash.

    I tried to install it again and now I get this message: The plugin generated 208 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.

    I worry a little now about using this plugin.

    I have the same problem. Used the plugin for a while and it worked fine, until we had a total server crash. After investigation we found that yarpp database tables were crashed beyond repair and mysql would just die until we deleted them. Reactivating the plugin now brings the server down again (mysql jumps at 100% load and memory is soon exhausted).

    Similar thing just happened to us today. Server crashed and reactivating the plugin caused server to go down again. We loved using the plugin but it is unusable as of now.

    @onepack: re the “x characters of unexpected output” error… this is a known bug that I am trying to track and reproduce. More info here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/405323?replies=2 For most people, it disappears after they try activating again though.

    Re: database crash. It may help to try changing your YARPP settings so that it is less database-intensive. There is some guidance on this (to make YARPP minimally database-intensive) in the FAQ.

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