• Hello,

    I′m developing a theme with search and I can′t make the wordpress search work with the ZdMultilang translated fields, it only searchs the original post.

    I switch languages in the backend of ZdMultilang and I was able to search in the translated language, (it became the main language), but the now translated language returned no results.

    I research a lot in the web and found a function in wordpress codex to append a plugin table to the wpdb post search. It′s down bellow here:

    add_filter('posts_join', 'mlang_search_join' );
    add_filter('posts_where', 'mlang_search_where' );
    add_filter('posts_groupby', 'mlang_search_groupby' );
    function mlang_search_join($join)
      global $zd_ml_trans, $wpdb;
      if(is_search()) {
          $join .= " LEFT JOIN $zd_ml_trans ON " .
           $wpdb->posts . ".ID = " . $zd_ml_trans .
           ".post_content ";
      return $join;
    function multilang_search_where($where)
      if( is_search() ) {
        $where = preg_replace(
           "(post_title LIKE \\1) OR (post_content LIKE \\1) OR (post_excerpt LIKE \\1) OR (post_status LIKE \\1)", $where );
      return $where;
    function multilang_search_groupby( $groupby )
      global $wpdb;
      if( !is_search() ) {
        return $groupby;
      // we need to group on post ID
      $mygroupby = "{$wpdb->posts}.ID";
      if( preg_match( "/$mygroupby/", $groupby )) {
        // grouping we need is already there
        return $groupby;
      if( !strlen(trim($groupby))) {
        // groupby was empty, use ours
        return $mygroupby;
      // wasn't empty, append ours
      return $groupby . ", " . $mygroupby;

    I don′t know why this is not working, but I would really appreciate any help on this matter. With the Search Everything sometimes it returns a result sometimes don′t.

    Also, I noticed when you perform a search, you can′t switch languages. It would be nice to have a function to add that change to the plugin.

    Tiago Morena

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