• Resolved clau77



    seit dem letzten Plugin-Update funktioniert der Cookie-Banner nicht mehr datenschutzkonform.

    Sobald die erste Seite unserer Homepage gecached wurde, werden den neuen Nutzern beim Besuchen der Homepage keine Banner mehr angezeigt. Sobald ich den Cache von Swift Performance Lite l?sche, funktioniert dieser wieder.

    Das einzige was hier hilft, ist das Caching-Plugin zu deaktivieren, damit wir den Datenschutz einhalten k?nnen. Nach dem Deaktivieren funktioniert Cookiebot wieder ordnungsgem??.

    Bitte um schnellstm?gliche Prüfung und Kl?rung.

    Vielen Dank.



Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Contributor Fred


    Please use English language only here. Start with disabling merge Scripts and see if that solve your issue.

    Thread Starter clau77


    This isn’t the issue as everything worked fine. After your new plugin version the problem has been started.

    Plugin Contributor Fred


    Yes, you mentioned that, but we need to investigate what is causing your issue. Did you disable merge Scripts to check if that solve your issue?? Also what is the URL of your site?

    Thread Starter clau77


    disabling to merge scripts seems to solve the issue with our cookie-banner but speed is dropping down by nearly 17%.


    Plugin Contributor Fred


    Merge can break certain things because the mechanism doesn’t always load them in the exact perfect order. You would have this problem with other merge plugins as well.

    If you want to keep merge Scripts enabled anyway, you′ll need to find the conflicting file(s) and exclude those from combining in Settings->Optimization->Scripts: Exclude Scripts and/or Exclude Inline Scripts.

    So you have to learn what elements to exclude. Support for Swift Lite is limited. Configuration is not included.

    Thread Starter clau77


    We don’t have this issue with another caching plugin. Already checked this.
    So contacting your support was a hint from our side to check your scripts.

    As mentioned the issue was even caused after your plugin update.

    So it is up to you to decide.


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