• Resolved fatbrit


    I am having a problem both installing and updating plugins on my hosted WordPress site (i.e., I lease space, they auto-install WordPress, I get on with it ;-).

    Here is what I have tried so far:

    1. Switching to 2012 theme (from the one I had before). No effect.
    2. Deactivating all plugins, then updating one. No effect.
    3. Activating one plugin (akismet) then updating. No effect.
    4. Doing the above with another plugin. No effect.

    The odd thing is that there doesn’t appear to be a problem from the dashboard; it all seems to have worked, but when I go back to the plugins, there they are, no updated. Plus, none of my new plugins show up.

    I have looked into wp-content/plugins and even stranger, all the plugins I deleted are gone, the new ones added, and I guess, the updated ones, updated.

    It is almost as if they ARE installing but the WordPress system isn’t picking that up, and instead, is looking at some kind of historical state.

    Here is the output when I update a plugin:

    Update Plugin
    Downloading update from https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/akismet.3.0.0.zip…

    Unpacking the update…

    Installing the latest version…

    Removing the old version of the plugin…

    Plugin updated successfully.

    Return to Plugins page

    Some of your translations need updating. Sit tight for a few more seconds while we update them as well.

    Updating translations for bbPress (nl_NL)…

    Invalid Data provided.

    Translation update failed.

    Is the translations part an issue?

    Any help would be very, very much appreciated. My hosting company (one and one) are basically not that helpful at the moment, though have responded.

    Thanks in advance, Steve

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  • That’s strange, any chance you have run out of storage?
    (i.e. Your hard disk space allocation is full)

    Thread Starter fatbrit



    Thanks for responding.

    No, I don’t think I have run out of space. I have an unlimited quote (whatever that means!) but also looking at my control panel (at the hosting site), it says:

    Number of Files :
    9,667 of 262,144 used
    Available files : 252,477

    With 12GB used. I ought to have a lot more than that.

    The other thing is I deleted a bunch of plugins and they are gone, with the new ones added (at least as far as I can tell based on my perusal of the plugin directory.


    Number of Files :
    9,667 of 262,144 used

    That is a weird statement, I read that as “You have used 9,667 files out of the 262,144 you are allowed on our hosting plan”

    I would also make the assumption that if it was a file storage space issue then deleting ‘more’ plugins than that you are ‘updating’ I would presume you now have more space available than you did previously.

    My first thought was said storage space limitation but what really peaked my interest was the automatic translation updates you are seeing for nl_NL.

    I’m one of the bbPress developers and created the Australian translations so we could ‘get this right’ and ensure end users had a great experience.

    I’ll go install WordPress 3.8.2 nl_NL. I’ll then add Akismet and bPress and take a look at the translation updates that come though.

    There are some major changes going on behind the scenes with automatic translation updates and this may be an issue with WordPress 3.8.x.

    Thread Starter fatbrit


    That’s brilliant (that you are taking a look)!

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Thread Starter fatbrit


    I just took another look at my installation and remembered that after posting the problem, but before responses, I deleted the bbPress plugin.

    And it was deleted!

    So now it doesn’t show up in my list of plugins.

    However, I can’t delete anything else!!! So somehow, I can delete that one, which caused the translation errors, but can’t affect the other plugins!!


    When I try to delete other plugins, it comes back and says that is unable to delete so-and-so.

    I have just logged into the ftp account and inside the plugins directory, I see:
    ftp> cd plugins
    250 CWD command successful
    ftp> dir
    200 PORT command successful
    150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
    drwxr-xr-x 14 logical ftpusers 4096 May 30 13:32 .
    drwxr-xr-x 7 logical ftpusers 107 Jan 1 2012 ..
    drwxr-xr-x 9 logical ftpusers 4096 Jan 1 2012 1-flash-gallery
    drwxr-xr-x 4 logical ftpusers 4096 May 30 13:32 akismet
    drwxr-xr-x 6 logical ftpusers 4096 May 30 10:33 backwpup
    -rw-r–r– 1 logical ftpusers 127286 May 29 18:55 bbpress-nl_NL.mo

    -rw-r–r– 1 logical ftpusers 181815 May 29 18:55 bbpress-nl_NL.po

    drwxr-xr-x 3 logical ftpusers 51 Dec 30 13:48 better-wordpress
    drwxr-xr-x 2 logical ftpusers 4096 Dec 30 14:29 exploit-scanner
    drwxr-xr-x 4 logical ftpusers 4096 May 29 18:45 google-sitemap-g
    -rw-r–r– 1 logical ftpusers 30 Jan 1 2012 index.php
    drwxr-xr-x 7 logical ftpusers 4096 May 29 18:46 jetpack
    -rw-r–r– 1 logical ftpusers 400 Jan 1 2012 php.ini
    drwxr-xr-x 2 logical ftpusers 57 May 29 18:46 primary-feedburn
    drwxr-xr-x 6 logical ftpusers 4096 May 29 18:38 syntaxhighlighte
    drwxr-xr-x 5 logical ftpusers 76 May 29 18:55 syntaxhighlighte
    drwxr-xr-x 7 logical ftpusers 123 May 29 18:51 syntaxhighlighte
    drwxr-xr-x 4 logical ftpusers 4096 May 29 18:47 youtube-embed-pl
    226 Transfer complete
    ftp: 1455 bytes received in 0.01Seconds 291.00Kbytes/sec.

    Note the remaining bbPress files (after the delete op). Plus, you can see what plugins are really there, despite what WordPress is saying. My dashboard reckons I have 20 plugins!

    Hope that sheds a bit more light on it.


    I downloaded WordPress 3.8.3 nl_NL from https://nl.www.ads-software.com/releases/

    I have full working nl_NL translations for WordPress 3.8.3, Akismet, bbPress, Twenty Twelve, Twenty Thirteen and Twenty Fourteen in example.com\wp-content\languages

    Here is a copy of the Google Translate messages I saw as I updated the translations: https://cloudup.com/cBJMwVdACpR

    One question, not that this should be the cause of your issue, though why are you still using WordPress v3.8.2 and not WordPress v3.9.1?

    I can’t find anything wrong with my WordPress v3.8.3, Akismet v3.0.0 and bbPress v2.5.3 install or translations.

    This doesn’t help you but let me think about what else could be an issue for you.

    Thread Starter fatbrit


    The hosting company has a safe mode where they can do one-click installs and that is why I have the version I do. It has actually been updated and is much newer than it used to be!

    Back to the problem, I have a horrible feeling that I am looking in the wrong place and have a dummy installation!

    I will reply soon,

    Thanks, Steve

    I just took a look at your file permissions you mentioned and I’m not 100% sure, it could be something to do with your mention of a ‘dummy installation’, I’m not sure how or what ‘One and One’ may be using for a ‘staging’ environment and that could be an issue.

    I’d also check the codex article regarding file permissions:


    Thread Starter fatbrit


    OK, I was right (that I was wrong!).

    Stupidly, I was looking in the wrong place and have now updated the ftp a/c to point to the correct place, where it has managed to update a plugin and delete another.

    I am so sorry for leading you down a dead end.

    The bbPress issue did occur though but since you can’t replicate it, that isn’t very useful to you.

    If it helps, I can reinstall it and see if I still have a problem?

    Thanks so much for your assistance – if anything, you efforts made me double check things so I am very grateful.


    Glad your sorted, if you do try bbPress again and have an issue let me know.



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