this worked for me, though I still didnt brush up my code
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'cmby_add_admin_menu' );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'cmby_settings_init' );
$settingfields = array('NA','HTML Banner','GIF Banner','Booking Form','Udemy Course', 'Test Missile');
function cmby_add_admin_menu( ) {
add_options_page( 'Cambrickyard Settings', 'Cambrickyard', 'manage_options', 'cambrickyard', 'cmby_options_page' );
function cmby_settings_init( ) {
global $settingfields;
register_setting( 'pluginPage', 'cmby_settings' );
__( "Cambrick Yard Plugin Settings Page", "wordpress" ),
foreach ($settingfields as $id => $item) {
__( "Enter widget code", "wordpress" ),
array (
'indicator' => $id
function cmby_textarea_render_field($args) {
$options = get_option( 'cmby_settings' );
echo $args['indicator'];
echo '<textarea cols="60" rows="5" name="cmby_settings[cmby_textarea_field_'.$args['indicator'].']">';
echo $options['cmby_textarea_field_'.$args['indicator']];
//echo "test";
echo '</textarea>';
function cmby_settings_section_callback( ) {
echo __( 'Use fields below to enter the code to be displayed when shortcode called out', 'wordpress' );
function cmby_options_page( ) {
<form action='options.php' method='post'>
settings_fields( 'pluginPage' );
do_settings_sections( 'pluginPage' );
[Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button.]