• I have a request or a suggestion. Not long ago I download two plugins from a plugin developer, Max Press. Unfortunately I do not recall which ones due to the fact they did not work as described and since deactivating them they have been deleted.

    The issue that I have is the excessive emails that I am getting from having to register in order to get a plugin that does not work. Luckily they go to my junk mail box but the emails fills up my ‘junk mail’ box.

    As a user of WordPress I would like to see tighter controls and more transparency put in place regarding the requirement to register to activate a plug-in such control I would suggest would include:

    Statement of how email emails you will receive per week

    Option to opt out from receiving advertising emails from the developer and included with each email that is sent a link that allows you to stop receiving future emails

    A system to complain to WordPress if a plugin or theme developer is excessive in their emails

    A system to notify WordPress of problematic plugins or themes

    Development of a code of practice for theme and plug in developers as it relates to interacting with Word Press customers

    Suspension or removal of a developer’s work who abuse their interaction with Word Press customers

    Integrating most of the needed plugins into future WordPress releases and only having a few plugins that meet specific needs of customers. Thereby protecting WordPress customers and helping to ensure only the best developers are allowed to interact with WordPress customers

    Finally I would ask the staff of WordPress to research the laws regarding sending emails that are not allow the option to opt of receiving future emails and the sender does not provide an option to opt out of receiving them. I do wonder if this does not violate the law in some countries?

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  • tighter controls …

    its a nice idea — but here’s the general kicker: How and who is going to enforce ‘tighter controls’ on plugins that are downloaded from third party sites? I’m pretty sure that the maxpress plugins are only available on their own site. (if thats not the case, feel free to correct me). Thats like China and Tibet.

    Integrating most of the needed plugins ..

    Uh, and who decides what is needed and whats not? And how big of a download package did you actually want, while you are adding all of that extra code to wordpress?

    Thats never going to happen.

    The fact is that like most everything else on the web, the end user is expected to exercise common sense, and caution, when downloading plugins, filling out forms that require e-mails, etc..

    I would observe that WP 2.7 (upcoming) appears to be attempting to “integrate more plugins”. Google XML Sitemaps and a few other plugins might become unnecessary if 2.7 carries through with the rumored plans to integrate such functionality.

    I didn’t know MaxPress makes you sign up with an email to use their plugins? I was thinking about trying their Stripe Ad plugin. But this thread makes me think twice about that!

    For some work-arounds, have you considered setting up an email filter to automatically trash messages from their sent-address? How about going back to the MaxPress site and looking for unsubscribe, or email them? Also you mentioned it’s filling up your junk box. Another idea is to get a bigger junk box. Not the perfect solution but it might make your life easier.

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