• I’m trying to update some plugins that show an update is available, but they aren’t updating.

    When I click on “update now’ the update process appears to being — the “Updating” progress indicator starts turning. And it keeps turning. And turning.

    After several minutes if I try to move away from the page I may get the waring about moving away from the page while an update is in progress. So I stay, and then several minutes later and nothing’s changed, and I move away from the page with no warning.

    When I go back to the page, the plugins with updates are still showing as having updates available.

    I’ve let it go for as long as half and hour, with the “updating” progress indicator still turning, and nothing happening.

    I’ve checked permissions, and they were set to 755. I did try changing permissions on the plugins folder to 775 to see if that would do anything… no change.

    Any ideas?


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  • Moderator t-p


    Thread Starter Scott McCulloch


    Yes, manual installation of plugins works… and installing new plugins through the wp-admin interface works.

    Unfortunately, when I turn over the site to the person who’s going to manage it longer term, using ftp to update plugins every time there’s an update to be done it isn’t going to happen… they’ll just let them all get out of date.

    So, ultimately I need to figure out how to fix the problem so that plugins can be updated normally.

    Moderator t-p


    ask your hosting provider why auto updating does not work on their server. like it’s server configuration, not a WP core issue

    Thread Starter Scott McCulloch


    I actually tried tech support at the host first via their chat, before coming here (I had assumed it was a server issue)… but after trying a couple of things he suggested I try here.

    I agree with you that it seems likely it’s a server configuration issue… so I’ll go back to the hosting co and try again… guess I’d better escalate it if I get the same level of response as the first time.

    Moderator t-p


    yes, if your server does not allow auto updating, it could be due to some setting

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