@GVectors Team: I just said Spanish as example, I will translate it to a small European language (HU) with WPML.
The first step forward would be to allow the comments entity to have its own language (WPML language tag). Either checking what is the language of the page the comments are embedded or another way…
My main problem is now that I’ve already translated by WPML those frontend expressions to my required language (335 strings of plugin can be translated by WPML now), but I don’t see those comments on that particular non-english page and therefore I can not check whether translations are OK or not.
If I list WP pages on a WPML site, I will see tabs on Page list page like: All / Mine / Published and subtabs of All languages / English / Spanish / whatever language.
If I list with your plugin Comments / All comments, I see tabs: All / Pending / Approved / Spam / Trash tabs.
1)There would be great to have such language subtabs as I described for Pages. So that way we could have different moderators for different languages, etc.
2) Now I have 3 EN comments (these work properly) and 1 HU. I see on comments list page I have 3 listed with details and with ability to edit etc. them, but the 1 HU comment is not listed there (I could create it on the particular HU page’s edit section).
The comments counter counts 4, so it counts all language comments I have.
So if this first issue is solved I can tell you more about it after checking translations.