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  • I can confirm that there’s something screwy happening with the “this week” option on calendars/event lists. Trying to make one today, it’s showing games starting on the 7th of September, but I have 4 games scheduled between now and then that don’t show up.

    Thread Starter hazratgul


    we are really appreciate sportpress teamwork but if they can fix this problem as soon as possible we will be rally happy and i know sportpress saw this problem and we hope then can fix this bad issue, i suggest you one way until this problem fixed Kyle McCarley,
    do this way

    1. do not Schedule lot of events example if you want to show 3 events then Schedule events should not be more than 3 ok now you done next step

    2. go to your widgets and select event block sport press or event list sport press then click on this widget and set your events like this:

    title anything you want
    select calender: select your calender
    start: all
    date: default
    number of events example 3
    sort ordering: descending

    sort ordering is very important

    for now you have just one way same like me i am doing like this is a little unprofessional

    this is the code for date i did not find any problem in this code

    if ( $this->date !== 0 ):
    $args[‘year’] = date(‘Y’);
    if ( $this->date == ‘w’ ):
    $args[‘w’] = date(‘W’);
    elseif ( $this->date == ‘day’ ):
    $args[‘day’] = date(‘j’);
    $args[‘monthnum’] = date(‘n’);

    Thread Starter hazratgul


    finally i solved it by myself it was plugin problem

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