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  • Howdy!
    I’m looking at doing the exact same thing for my blog. Unfortunately, the link doesn’t seem to be working.
    Any chance of reposting it, or if anyone else has the code squirreled away somewhere, I’d much appreciate it!
    ~ Brian

    Yes I would like this script too. If anyone has one that I could use that would be awesome!!

    What is better with WordPress in comparison with pMachine or Movabletype? Will WordPress be better in the future (while thinking about its **** documentation now…) especially on the road to being a fully-CMS and not another PHP-Blogtool – or will it stay only Blogtool. I really can’t see THE advantages of WordPress (compared to pMachine). What stops me from choosing pM is the slowly development, what holds me from choosing WP is the very bad documentation. Please open my eyes, why should I try this – it cannot be the interface I guess ??

    Yeah, lack of multiple cats in pM is a real bummer, but back to the original anon. I would like to understand the WP roadmap better as well. With both pM and MT having new release promised this quarter, I’m reluctant to jump until March …

    There’s a thread comparing WordPress to MT at If you’re wanting a fully-fledged CMS, though, this probably isn’t the best tool.

    Well, I’ve converted over from pM to WP1.0 for a handfull of days. I can’t say that there was anything “wrong” about their software – I enjoyed using it. For me, after playing around with WP for a while before making the switch, my decision points were:
    – Open source. I prefer the model; I prefer not being restricted when I search for help (some pM materials are covered by the Pro license). Not to say that pMs free license isn’t generous.
    – Multiple blogs.
    – I was having trouble with the TrackBack implementation in pM. It was working about 50%. WP has been fine.
    There were some other features in addition.

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