• Resolved panostz


    Let me explain details the payment situation
    So lets say we have 3 members groups and those 3 groups have 2 roles inside them. (Free group(Free1,Free2), Silver Group(Month, Year), Gold Group(Month, Year) )

    The user by signing up he get role”Free1″ by default and Free2 is given to to user manually from the admins.

    For Free1 roles on Silver Group and Gold group have default price.
    If you are Free2 you got not discount on Silver Group but you have lower prices for 1 gold monthly and yearly . Can this accomplished somehow?

    I was thinking to do it with the wooCommerce integration in order to have more payment options but if the user is “Free1” and I try to purchase another membership ( with the discounts ) it get to following message: “Membership level” cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart.

    Please advice
    Thank you

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  • Plugin Author Andrew Lima


    Hello @panostz

    Thank you for contacting the Paid Memberships Pro team. I’m sorry to hear about this issue you are facing.

    Can you please confirm that the level in the cart and at checkout can actually be purchased? Sometimes, depending on themes or other plugins it may cause some false positives where it shows that warning but the product can actually be purchased.

    I’d like to confirm if all purchases are going through WooCommerce or are you using the Paid Memberships Pro checkout as well? There are different solutions you may explore depending on where the payment would happen for the member to auto apply the discount logic (either WooCommerce or Paid Memberships Pro).

    Either solution would require custom code to automate this discount, but once I know more I will be able to provide you with more insights on how to achieve this.

    Kind regards,
    Operations manager at Paid Memberships Pro

    Thread Starter panostz


    Hey Andrew,

    Thank you for getting back at me ??
    I confirm that on checkout when I press to proceed i got the error message that I mentioned.

    Well you could advice me on that if you want. I want thinking for WooCommerce since it has more payment gateways to be honest ( I wannna Add crypto payments, apple pay etc )
    But just want to confirm on that that with PMP and WooCommerce for payment will the montly subscriptions will work?

    I hope I answered all of your questions.


    Plugin Author Andrew Lima


    For selling subscriptions through WooCommerce, you will need the WooCommerce Subscriptions Add On.

    When selling memberships through WooCommerce, we let WooCommerce handle all the payment side of things. We do natively integrate with Apple Pay, Google Pay and other payment methods thanks to Stripe Checkout – https://www.paidmembershipspro.com/gateway/stripe/apple-pay-google-pay-payment-options-membership-checkout/

    There are some third-party integrations built by independent developers to handle crypto payments directly that may be used, such as CryptoPay – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/cryptocurrency-payments-for-paid-memberships-pro/

    This will allow you to do all your payments natively with Paid Memberships Pro, I hope this helps get you started.

    Plugin Support Jarryd Long


    Because there have not been any recent updates to this topic, we will be changing the status to resolved.

    If you’re enjoying Paid Memberships Pro, would you mind rating it 5-stars to help spread the word? https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/paid-memberships-pro/reviews/

    Kind Regards,
    Support Manager at Paid Memberships Pro

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