• Resolved ImpalerPLM


    Hello, I noticed that only JPG files get converted to WebP. When I upload a PNG – no WebP version is generated. Is this intentional?

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  • Plugin Support James Osborne


    Hi @impalerplm,

    Thanks for reaching out. At present the plugin only creates WebP versions from uploaded JPG files. There is, however, an open GitHub issue in relation to providing support for PNG upload WebP conversions, which you can find below:

    Feel free to subscribe to that issue for updates, or chime in with your own comments.

    In the meantime if you are looking to generate WebP versions of your PNG files, what you can do is upload a JPG version of the image. You can use an service such as Squoosh to convert your PNG image to the JPG format.

    I’ll close this support topic now, but let me know if you have any questions with the above.

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