• Resolved cacophonyonline


    I updated wp last week and the ascend theme too.
    I am now unable to embed the podbean media player:
    trying to embed this, by pasting this code:

    <iframe title="52. Sleepless in Havanna? Gershwin - Cuban Overture" height="122" width="100%" style="border: none;" scrolling="no" data-name="pb-iframe-player" src="https://www.podbean.com/media/player/3a6d2-e7ec1f?from=pb6admin&download=1&version=1&auto=0&share=1&download=1&rtl=0&fonts=Helvetica&skin=1&pfauth=&btn-skin=107"></iframe>

    No longer works. I have c80 embedded players – it’s always worked til now and Podbean haven’t changed anything.

    I get the message “Sorry, this content could not be embedded.” and the option to leave it as a link, which is no good at all.

    Please help!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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