• My podcast feed has suddenly developed a problem. When I validate it I get a 404 error. I recently upgraded my podpress so maybe that’s the problem. I’m not a programmer so any easy-to-follow advice is welcome.

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  • Thread Starter johncsnider


    Hi John,

    there are 2 likely causes. The podcast feed, the one with the URL which ends on /?feed=podcast is not marked as active or it has been renamed to something other then “podcast”.
    Please, open the podPress Feed Settings page and head to the section podPress Feeds. The settings for the podcast feed are usually on the first page of this section. You should find a check box “Activate Feed”. It should be checked. Furthermore there is in the right column (also at the beginning) the input field “Slug Name”. It should contain the word “podcast”. (If you change the slug name of the feed then URL of the feed will be a different one.)

    If this feed is active and has still the name podcast then the problem might have something to do with other plugins which you may have installed recently.
    But please, control these podPress settings first before we investigate other possibilities.


    Thread Starter johncsnider


    OK, I went to that page and I thought I had everything set up properly. Now the feed validator gives me this message:



    This feed does not validate.

    line 5697, column 267: XML parsing error: <unknown>:5697:267: not well-formed (invalid token) [help]

    … oubt. Also worth a listen is her I Can&[…]</itunes:subtitle>
    In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.

    line 1869, column 273: Encode “&” and “<” in plain text using hexadecimal character references. [help]

    … osses are a universal symbol for th[…]</itunes:subtitle>
    line 1885, column 0: Encode “&” and “<” in plain text using hexadecimal character references. [help]


    Which is your current podPress version? Is not

    If it is not then please upgrade. That will solve that problem.

    Ah, it is Hmmm… I need to make tests.

    Thread Starter johncsnider


    Actually, it IS It was only after upgrading to this version that the problem began. I haven’t 100% established a cause-effect relationship, but before the upgrade I did not have this problem. ??

    Some characters are getting translated to their HTML entity e.g. ‘ is here &#8217 ;. The problem is that the podPress version which assembles your podcast feed needs to limit the number of charatcers e.g. for the itunes:subtitle. All versions between and .8 had the problem that they have cut the text without repecting those HTML entities and if something cuts such a entity in half then there is a solely ampersand in the feed. But an ampersand is an characters which needs to be tranlated to such an HTML entity.
    But has a special function which respects such HTML entities. That is why I still have doubts that this feed is created by podPress To be sure I would like to ask you to switch the version string in the feed on (Go to the general settings page of podPress. Head to the section “Credit” and check all 3 check boxes).

    but before the upgrade I did not have this problem.

    This was probably only a coincidence.

    I have made some further tests with the text of your post (podcast #10). The output in the <itunes:subtitle> tag in the feed is basically the same as in your blog but with one important difference: the HTML entity &#8217 ; (the apostrophe in Can’t) was not cut in half.

    Maybe your last upgrade of podPress went wrong somehow. If the podPress version number in the feed is then it would be great if you could delete all files and folders of podPress and install fresh. I recommend to do this via FTP and not via the plugins page of the blog.

    Thread Starter johncsnider


    Hmmm…okay, I deleted everything via FTP. Reinstalled. Same problem.

    I’m not sure how this problem should happen with Further I was not able to reproduce the problem. I have copied the post to my test blog (see “https://undeuxoutrois.de/wp/2011/07/06/characters-limiter-test/&#8221;) and the limiter function works fine (see “https://undeuxoutrois.de/wp/feed/podcast&#8221;).

    But I have made some minor modifications which are now in the Development Version ( RC 1). I would appreciate it if you could install this version.
    Further it would be great if could check only the first two check boxes in the section “Credit” on the general settings page (Sorry! It was my mistake telling you to check all 3 check boxes.)

    There is also a further test which will probably help me to figure out what the problem is.
    There is a double white space in “[…]lyrics of doubt. Also worth a listen is[…]” between “doubt.” and “Also”. Please, remove one of these whitespaces. I would like to see how the function which limits the characters in the <itunes:subtitle> handles this modification.


    I have found a bug in the function which limits the number of characters in some feed elements.

    You may try the current Development Version ( RC 2). It should solve the problem which you have described above. (You should be able to set the Apostrophes again in that post without generating the problem.)


    [email protected]


    Dear Aidan,

    Thank you for patiently waiting. I would like to extend an apology for the delayed response to your email. I just came back from my work off so it took more than a day to get back to you. My name is Cherrie and I’m glad to be of service.

    Aidan, I’m sorry that all of those articles and discussion pages doesn’t help your concern. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and frustration that this caused you.

    This issue is really unrelated to iTunes Store but it is to WordPress. The WordPress is the one who can really address this concern.

    In Apple’s part, even if it is not related to us, we are doing our best and utilizing our resources to help you with this issue. We want you to feel that we care for every customer’s concern here in Apple thus, giving every need to them.

    In this case, I would suggest you to contact WordPress about this issue and please update Apple on what will happen after that. Please feel free to email us again as we want to make sure that this issue has been resolved to your complete satisfaction.

    I look forward to your reply. Have a great day!


    iTunes Store Customer Support

    Please Note: I work M-F, 9-6PM CT

    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you.

    PS: Here is a response i received from somebody today in the itunes forum.

    Re: My podcast feeds just won’t work!??created by Roger Wilmut1 in Producing Podcasts – View the full discussionhttps://thisweekinforex.com/blog/?feed=rss2 This feed cannot be subscribed to in iTunes – it cannot see the file, though I can open it in FireFox. Possibly it’s falling over the PHP scripting. The URL for the media file in your later episode is https://thisweekinforex.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/C:\Users\Aidan\Downloads This obviously is not a valid URL. The earlier episode still has a YouTube URL. https://thisweekinforex.com/blog/?feed=podcast This feed is in the same state I described before – no contents, and has ‘File not found’ in the title, suggesting that the PHP is attempting to cover the fact that there is no file present (I’m guessing here). Obviously something is falling over in WordPress, but that’s outside by experience and I’m afraid I can’t advise on it.Did this help? Go to the message, sign in, and reply or mark the response as correct or helpfulStart a new di
    Please escalete this matter immediately as i am now severely behind schedule in my broadcasting schedule.
    Thank you
    Aidan Doyle

    > Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 15:49:50 -0800
    > From: [email protected]
    > To: [email protected]
    > Subject: Re: iTunes Cards and Codes; Previous Request Number: 184468808; Follow-up: 187510407
    > Dear Aidan,
    > Thank you for writing back and the opportunity to help you today. This is Cherrie and I’m glad to be of service.
    > Aidan, I’m sorry to inform you that we only have a link for the validating feed:
    > https://www.feedvalidator.org/
    > However, I researched for you and I’ve posted a link that may be able to help you change your podcast feed:
    > https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/changing-podcast-feed-for-itunes-to-feedburner
    > I’ve also posted the link for the discussion page of Apple:
    > https://discussions.apple.com/
    > Some of the customers that visit that discussion page resolved their issues as well.
    > I hope this somehow helps with your concern.
    > In your convenience, please do update me regarding this concern. I look forward to your reply. Have a great day!
    > Sincerely,
    > Cherrie
    > iTunes Store Customer Support

    Hi Cherrie, hi Aidan,

    the problem which feed validator or an feed reader reports is related to this entry of the XML style sheet section:

    xmlns:itunes="https://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd"	xmlns:itunes="https://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd"

    That this entry is included twice is indeed no problem of the iTunes Store. It is most likely inserted by an WordPress plugin.

    podPress for instance inserts such an entry. But it is possible that you have installed a further podcast plugin which also inserts such an entry.
    Unfortunately podPress does not checks whether such an entry exists already. But the other plugin does not seem to do that either.

    The easiest solution would probably be to deactivate one of these podcasting plugins.

    BTW: The feed does currently not include posts with an attached media file. (I could not find an <enclosure> tag.)


    (I’m sorry that I could not respond sooner.)

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