• Resolved abletec


    Hugh, I’m just curious. Why are the podcast series parts listed first, i.e., part 3, part 2, part 1? I admit to not being the sharpest tool on the planet, but it seems to me that the logical order would be part 1, 2, 3, etc, so that folks could listen to the series in the order they were intended. To me, the logical thing to do is to list the series, descending order by date, then within each series to list ascending order by part. That’s just me, but it seems the logical order by which folks listen.

    It’s a nice plugin & has the added advantage of being a11y friendly–thanks for that.


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  • Plugin Contributor Hugh Lashbrooke


    I’m not 100% sure what you mean. Could you please provide me links and/or screenshots to see?


    Thread Starter abletec


    Hugh, thanks for your reply. Sorry I wasn’t clearer. A link to the site is:

    As you can see, the series are listed alphabetically as opposed to chronologically. On this site, for example, Christmas Echos 2014 is actually the most recent series, but 1 John is listed first. When you click a series name, the parts are listed in descending order, i.e., most recent (last part) first. So when you click 1 John, as an example, the last part of the series appears first.

    It seems to me it’d make more sense to list series by latest first, then the various parts of a particular series in a descending order such that part 1 would come before part 5.

    Did I make my thoughts clearer now?

    Plugin Contributor Hugh Lashbrooke


    Sorry for the slow response – I have been overseas for a little while.

    I see what you mean – I assume that series list is loaded from thess_podcast shortcode?

    Unfortunately doing what you want isn’t 100% possible as WordPress does not have an easy way of fetching a list of any taxonomy terms in the order they were created. It should be possible if the terms were ordered by their ID as that should give an accurate view of the order they were created in, but this would fall apart if a series was created and only used at a later date.

    Basically, without adding massive logic loops that would have a detrimental effect on plugin performance, there’s no way to really achieve what you’re looking for inside SSP.

    Your best option would be to actually install a plugin that allows you to manually reorder the terms in a taxonomy. This would be my suggestion: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/taxonomy-terms-order/

    Hope that helps!


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