• I just uploaded the new version of podpress, 8.3, and suddenly my site no longer comes up on the internet. I know this makes no sense, but chronologically that’s the last thing that happened before the site vanished. My other site, running another instance of wordpress, still comes up fine. I am running my own server.

    I went to the Mighty Seek site and found a couple of others had already posted fatal error messages they had gotten, but apparently their sites weren’t down. I had to register so I could post my issue, but as of this moment my confirming email has not come back from the administrator so I still can’t post there. On the site the administrator says he put 8.3 out early this morning, then went to sleep so he could go to some sort of conference today. Who knows when I will hear from him.

    There is no error on the screen, it is just a blank page where my site used to be. As for the error logs, there’s:

    [Fri Sep 28 14:05:05 2007] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type WP_Object_Cache as array in C:…\\wp-content\\plugins\\podpress\\podpress_class.php on line 357

    Here are lines 356-8:

    podPress_update_option('podPress_config', $this->settings);
                if(!strpos($GLOBALS['wp_object_cache']['cache']['options']['alloptions']['rewrite_rules'], 'playlist.xspf')) {

    For comparison, here are lines 354-359 in my non-updated wordpress site:

    $x = podPress_get_option('podPress_config');
             if($x['mediaWebPath'] == '') {
                $x['mediaWebPath'] = get_settings('siteurl').'/wp-content/uploads';
             if($x['mediaFilePath'] == '') {
                $x['mediaFilePath'] = ABSPATH.'/wp-content/uploads';

    Note that the line with just the single, solitary bracket in it is 357. I’m no php expert but these two code snippets don’t seem to have much in common. Someone suggested using a program called winmerge to really parse the differences, but I didn’t start this site to become a coder.

    I also found that “the caching functions aren’t intended for use in plugins” https://trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/4540.

    It looks to me like I could at least copy this old version over from my working wordpress site and presumably fix the problem. I might also try just deleting line 357 and see what happens. Does capitalization make any difference in the code? Any other ideas?

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