• Resolved LauraSuzy


    I have created a pod (called “activity”) that has a field for “organization” (which is another pod) and is related to my parent pod. The “Allow Add New” checkbox is checked. In the /wp-admin/ interface, the Add New button is there for the organization field, and I can create new activities and add new organizations from the “Add New Activity” form, but when I create a page to show on the front end using the Pods Form block, my organization field does not show the Add New button.

    Is there another setting I am missing somewhere?

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  • Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    I believe this may be because those Add New buttons are disabled for frontend forms. The Add New modals use the real admin screens in WP which the user may not have access to so we have the buttons disabled entirely for frontend.

    In the future, we want to create custom modals for frontend forms that offer a more limited experience for creating content for related fields.

    Thread Starter LauraSuzy


    So does this mean if I want to create a front-end form, I need to code up a custom PHP template? Is there a way to use shortcodes or something to do some of the form, but add another field for the “add new” option? Or maybe just have them add the Organization first on a new page in a new window, then reload the form? what do you suggest?

    Plugin Support Paul Clark


    One can either create a separate Pods form for creating new items for the related content type, perhaps hiding it behind a link or a tab, or one can display the expected functionality from the wp-admin view by using https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/display-admin-page-on-frontend/

    Plugin Contributor Scott Kingsley Clark


    You could try using the hook:

    add_filter( 'pods_init_register_assets_load_pods_dfv_on_front', '__return_true' );

    It’s not something we’ve thoroughly tested so you’d have to make sure it’s working for your use-case before leaving it on.

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