Hi! No worries, do next:
1. Create an wpml-config.xml file
2.In the file copy this:
<key name=”modality_theme_options”>
<key name=”features_section_title” />
<key name=”features_section_desc” />
<key name=”feature_one” />
<key name=”feature_one_desc” />
<key name=”features_section_desc” />
<key name=”feature_two” />
<key name=”feature_two_desc” />
<key name=”feature_three” />
<key name=”feature_three_desc” />
<key name=”feature_four” />
<key name=”feature_four_desc” />
<key name=”getin_button_text” />
<key name=”getin_section_header” />
<key name=”getin_section_text” />
<key name=”getin_button_url” />
<key name=”about_section_header” />
<key name=”about_section_text” />
<key name=”blog_section_title” />
<key name=”services_section_title” />
<key name=”services_section_desc” />
<key name=”service_one_icon” />
<key name=”service_one” />
<key name=”service_one_desc” />
<key name=”services_section_desc” />
<key name=”service_two_icon” />
<key name=”service_two” />
<key name=”service_two_desc” />
<key name=”service_three_icon” />
<key name=”service_three” />
<key name=”service_three_desc” />
<key name=”service_four_icon” />
<key name=”service_four” />
<key name=”service_four_desc” />
3. then upload wpml-config.xml into wp-content/polylang (if you don’t have that folder in wp-content, make it)
And that’s it! Now you will have the strings for translation.
If something is missing for translation put it in wpml-config.xml, now you have the idea how it works.
I hope it helps!