• Resolved deanmoriart



    Thanks for the awesome plugin and support..It works flawless..
    My only problem is with the string translations..

    I cant save my string translations for my second language on polylang settings..

    When I click save it turns back to english version..I have no other problems on other pages..
    Only problem left on static front page. If I can change the string translations settings it s going to be solved.
    Can you please help..

    (I am on brooklyn theme)


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  • Plugin Support Chrystl


    Don’t even know how to access database.

    Ask to your host provider how to access to your database, generally is phpMyAdmin.

    But I see that you have 24 posts for the Turkish language.
    Maybe the easiest way for you, it’s to delete this Turkish language.
    Then add a new Turkish language thanks to the “Add New language” dropdown. Then reassign your posts and pages, medias, categories, tags … to this new Turkish language. Then relink your English and Turkish content by the translation.

    Thread Starter deanmoriart


    wp_terms table with 2 Turkish entries..


    Thread Starter deanmoriart


    term-taxonomy table with locales


    Thread Starter deanmoriart


    Thread Starter deanmoriart


    And the value ; ( hope this is the right thing you need)

    a:2:{i:0;a:20:{s:7:”term_id”;s:3:”266″;s:4:”name”;s:8:”Türk?e”;s:4:”slug”;s:2:”tr”;s:10:”term_group”;s:1:”0″;s:16:”term_taxonomy_id”;s:3:”266″;s:8:”taxonomy”;s:8:”language”;s:11:”description”;s:45:”a:2:{s:6:”locale”;s:5:”tr_TR”;s:3:”rtl”;i:0;}”;s:6:”parent”;s:1:”0″;s:5:”count”;s:2:”24″;s:10:”tl_term_id”;N;s:19:”tl_term_taxonomy_id”;N;s:8:”tl_count”;N;s:6:”locale”;N;s:6:”is_rtl”;N;s:8:”flag_url”;N;s:4:”flag”;N;s:8:”home_url”;s:32:”https://www.smartclasscyp.com/tr/&#8221;;s:10:”search_url”;s:32:”https://www.smartclasscyp.com/tr/&#8221;;s:4:”host”;N;s:5:”mo_id”;N;}i:1;a:20:{s:7:”term_id”;i:132;s:4:”name”;s:7:”English”;s:4:”slug”;s:2:”en”;s:10:”term_group”;s:1:”1″;s:16:”term_taxonomy_id”;i:132;s:8:”taxonomy”;s:8:”language”;s:11:”description”;s:5:”en_US”;s:6:”parent”;s:1:”0″;s:5:”count”;i:45;s:10:”tl_term_id”;i:133;s:19:”tl_term_taxonomy_id”;i:133;s:8:”tl_count”;i:122;s:6:”locale”;R:30;s:6:”is_rtl”;i:0;s:8:”flag_url”;s:72:”https://www.smartclasscyp.com/wp-content/plugins/polylang/flags/en_US.png&#8221;;s:4:”flag”;s:878:”<img src=”” title=”English” alt=”English” />”;s:8:”home_url”;s:32:”https://www.smartclasscyp.com/en/&#8221;;s:10:”search_url”;s:32:”https://www.smartclasscyp.com/en/&#8221;;s:4:”host”;N;s:5:”mo_id”;s:4:”3974″;}}

    Thread Starter deanmoriart


    It s better to go with database way I guess.. : )
    Hope we can figure out with this way.

    Plugin Support Chrystl


    Thanks a lot. It misses some complementary informations. I noted what I need on these screenshots:
    1) wp_terms table: https://nimb.ws/aO3toK
    2) wp_term_taxonomy table: https://nimb.ws/T5liDq

    Thread Starter deanmoriart


    Thank you ! You can find them in the screenshots below;

    1) Sorted wp_terms table :


    2)Taxonomy table 2 languages :



    Plugin Author Chouby



    It seems that your database has been corrupted and that half of the Turkish language data have been lost. Here is a small plugin to fix your database.

    1. Go to https://pastebin.com/wzp6RnLu
    2. Click on the download link to download it on your computer.
    3. Compress the file you just downloaded “database_fix.php” (in .zip format)
    4. In your WordPress admin, go to Plugins->add new->upload plugin
    5. Browse your files to find “database_fix.php.zip” that you just compressed
    6. Click on install now.
    7. Click on activate
    8. Visit Settings->Languages to see if your Turkish flag is back in the Languages list.
    9. De-activate and delete the database fix plugin.

    I am not sure that it will fix your strings translations but it should fix a few issues.

    NB: Make sure that Polylang is activated while you do these steps as the database fix plugin uses it.

    Thread Starter deanmoriart


    Chrystl, Chouby, ;

    I can’t thank you enough for the time you spend…
    That’s the best user support I’ve seen in my life.
    You’re truely amazing people.

    All fixed, flag is back, string translations are working.

    Thank you so much !

    Please let me know if you need any marketing & video production help for your products
    I will be glad to help you if you need anything.

    Best Regards

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