Hi I had the same problem, installed version 2.5.6 which was supposed to be the latest. I upgraded to version 3 as I couldn’t get the optin box configured. As soon as I upgraded WP to version 3.3. I lost all access to the dashboard. I had to buy in some tech help and they advised me to disable all plugins and reinstall everything except popup domination till they sort it. If you’re with hostgator heres what you need to do:
OK. I found a solution to disabling Popup Domination until they come up with a version that is compatiable with WP 3.3. There may be other plugins that are not compatiable so hopefully just disabling Popup will let you back in the site.
Here are the instructions:
1. Login to HostGator.
2. Backup your WordPress database (https://support.hostgator.com/articles/cpanel/how-to-backuprestore-your-mysql-database).
3. Now go into your database and disable (this will not uninstall) all your plugins (just to disable Popup is going to be difficult considering the text the plugin is in and it is just simplier to disable all and go into the WP Admin and enable them one at a time). (https://support.hostgator.com/articles/cpanel/phpmyadmin)
4. Click on the wordpress database. Click SQL. Copy and paste the following text:
SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = ‘active_plugins’;
Click GO. Click the pencil icon to edit the field.
Cut and paste the text into a safe text document and save it on your machine.
Click GO button under “Save and Go back to previous page”.
Note: You can try to just remove Popup by removing the cryptic looking text below (riskier approach though). The following is just an example of what you would have to remove.
28 is the ID, “theme-switcher.php” is the file the relates to the plugin.
I recommend removing the text all together and logging back into the site to enable the plugins.
Hope this helps someone else with the same problem.