Hi @natashababe
The “After registration” rule doesn’t relate to the fact whether somebody submitted info (email) via the popup) but to the user account registration.
Furthermore, From and Up set to 0 actually means “always”. But a regular visitor is not affected by registration.
So let’s try to start from scratch. The goal here is:
– to show popup ONLY on homepage
– and to show it only if given visitor did not opt-in via this popup
– and to show it no more than 4 times in a week if they didn’t opt-in
– but if they already opted-in, not show it at all
– or if they didn’t opt-in but seen it 4 times already – don’t show until next week.
Is that right?
If so, try following settings:
1. remove current settings in “Visibility”
2. set first rule to “Show when ALL”
3. and inside that group add condition: “Pages – Only these pages” and select your homeapge
3. now add another GROUP and set it to “Hide when all”
4. and inside that group add condition: “Number of times visitor has seen this module – if seen more than 3 / week”.
Update settings.
At this point the popup would only be showing on homepage and it should show up to 4 times in a week for given visitor. If they visit homepage 5th time, popup should not show up anymore until next week.
Note though: this condition will not apply if the same visitor uses different browser or device to visit the site or if they fully clear browser cache/cookies.
5. Now in “Behavior” settings of the popup
a) in “Closing behavior” select “Keep showing this pop-up” option
b) in “Additional Settings” for “Visibility after opt-in” option select “No longer show this module across the site” and then set “Reset it after” to some long term, such as e.g. one year (365 days or 12 months) or more.
And now, if visitor simply closes the popup, the visibility condition (to hide if seen more than 3 times) will apply. But if they actually submit their e-mail/opt-in, they will no longer see that popup for the set period of time (e.g. a year).
Note: once you make the changes, please make sure to clear all cache on site/server (if there is any in use).
Best regards,