WSW1 – Populating fields on checkout
Various Fields are not re-populated once customer accepts the Shipping quote and goes to checkout page
I added an item and completed , BUT we only use the Billing address , as most of our customers seem to have the same shipping as the billing – so that option is OFF and defaults to Billing address and the customer has to select the “deliver to a different address” and tick that box – Now when admin approves the shipping request and goes to checkout page – The delivery address NO Longer has the Name Name , Last Name , Company (which i filled in) or Phone number populates as was orginally
This fields are NOT filled in on the shipping address on woocommerce checkout – and i suspect you are using the shipping address information
I tried filling in the Shipping address details , and on the shipping address details
These fields are NOT populated (which i did fill in before making the request a quote
ON Both Shipping and Billing
Name Name , Last Name , Company (which i filled in)
On Shipping the
NOTES field is also not filled in (as i originally entered)
ON Billing the phone number is NOT filled in (as i originally entered)