Hi @mstein63, @martinder – we are very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you guys.
?It seems to be the exact same issue we have already seen with some other Gutenberg blocks. The unfortunate part is it is not limited to our plugin. There have been dozens of plugins affected by what appears to be either a bug in new functionality that came with the last Gutenberg update.
In fact, it can be caused if you add a commonly used snippet that lets you add custom CSS classes to all of your blocks.
You can see our tracking of the issue here:?https://github.com/PopupMaker/Popup-Maker/issues/868
And you can see the issue being tracked on the Gutenberg repo:?https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/16850
If you google “Error loading block: Invalid parameter(s): attributes” you will find a lot of recent reports most not related to our plugin.
You can try disabling our block editor functionality in the mean time:
remove_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', [ 'PUM_Admin_BlockEditor', 'register_editor_assets' ] );
You can try that and I hope that works for you guys.
If that helps, then we would very much appreciate it if you could quickly?rate the plugin, just to help us spread the word.
Thank you!