• Resolved vanitynailbar


    Hi there,

    First of all, great plugin! Secondly, is there a way to have the popup triggered when the user closes just the browser tab?

    Right now, the user has to close the browser itself to trigger the popup on the next visit.

    Here are my current settings https://prntscr.com/h6xm1w


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Robert Gadon


    Hello @vanitynailbar:

    What you’re describing above is an Exit Intent trigger. That’s available as a paid, premium plugin extension to the base (free) plugin.

    https://wppopupmaker.com/extensions/exit-intent-popups/ // Purchase page

    https://docs.wppopupmaker.com/category/73-exit-intent-trigger // Documentation link

    Thread Starter vanitynailbar


    Thanks @yogaman5020

    In that case, is there a way to allow the popup to load the next time the user goes to my site if they only closed the browser tab and not the browser itself?

    i.e. I open a new tab, go to my website, close popup, close tab, open new tab using the same browser instance and repeat steps and I should get the popup again.

    Robert Gadon


    Hello @vanitynailbar:

    It’s useful to understand how cookies work. Their purpose is to prevent a popup from displaying again after it’s appeared once. Visitors typically don’t mind popups if they appear occasionally, and they feel they have some control over the frequency with which they appear. You have to strike a balance in setting up how often your popup displays. You want to get specific information or a call-to-action in front of the visitor without annoying them.

    If you want the popup to show up every time a visitor goes to your web site, the simplest thing to do is set no cookie, and set the popup to display on a Auto Open / Time Delay trigger. When someone opens your web site, the popup will automatically display. A user can close the popup while on site. When they reopen the front page to return the site, the popup will display once again.

    To limit which pages the popup appears on, set a condition to activate (preload) the popup on specific pages. Otherwise, the popup will activate and display on every page of your site. Probably not what you had in mind.



    Don’t know if I should post here but, what I am in search of is: a pop up that displays once on every page of the site when the site is accessed and not again and again on other pages too, until refreshed. I hope you understand it

    Robert Gadon


    Hello @faizan1993:

    You wrote: “[I want] a pop up that displays once on every page of the site when the site is accessed.”

    That would be controlled by the conditions that you set. If you don’t set a condition for your popup, then by default the popup will activate on every page of your site. Activation preloads the popup into the page footer on page load in the browser.

    The popup is displayed when a site visitor does something to trigger that activated popup to appear in the browser. The free version of the plugin provides you 2 triggers; Auto Open and Click Open. You provide your visitors control over the popup by allowing them to close the popup (via a ‘close’ button) AND setting a ‘cookie’. (see my comments about cookies in my prior post).

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