By default, you can create a page titled ‘portfolio’ that will automatically load the portfolio archive page. Alternatively, within your theme’s functions.php file, you can add the following to disable to the automatic portfolio archive as well as to prevent the default CSS from loading.
// Prevent archives for the portfolio plugin; will use a custom page template
// Prevent Zilla Portfolio CSS from loading
if( !defined('TZP_DISABLE_CSS') ) define('TZP_DISABLE_CSS', TRUE);
By doing this, you can then create a custom page template that loads the portfolio items with a custom WordPress loop. You’ll query the post type of ‘portfolio’.
For the portfolio-type archives, you can create a taxonomy-portfolio-type.php file that will load the portfolio type archives, or let the theme default to archive.php.
I’m not sure what you are requesting with “add transactions and effects for the portfolio”.