I found a few places. I think that they are mostly for a paid version though. I haven’t found much in the way of information for the versions that you and I have downloaded. https://wpexplorer-themes.com/total/
There seems to be a second component, Visual Composer, that you can purchase that adds all of the functionality that we’re looking for. Here is a link to the paid version that I found: https://themeforest.net/item/total-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/6339019?ref=wpexplorer
You see the mention of four plugins that you get with the purchase of the theme. Here is a link to Visual Composer https://codecanyon.net/item/visual-composer-page-builder-for-wordpress/242431?_ga=1.156163641.305083188.1486412232
Honestly, the price for the theme isn’t bad considering everything you get with it. However, I’m a little put off that the free version mentions all of these features but not that you have to pay for them, and that they are separate.
I did manage to get a gallery-style section to work, although not the way I want. If you turn on the portfolio section in Appearance > Customize > Home Sections you can pick post types to be automagically assembled into a gallery (only works on a Home page template, but you can have multiple pages use the Home template I believe). I still don’t have it working the way I’d like and it might be worth it to me to just buy the theme instead of wasting anymore time trying to beat it into submission. That may be the marketing angle behind the free version that they offer ?? Hope this helps!