I have portfolio type and categories. Type was populated when I imported the demo content for the Ascend theme while Categories was empty. I created some portfolio categories. Testing a new portfolio item post I assigned a category but it doesn’t seem to do anything. I noticed that the breadcrumbs show that a portfolio post with a type checked off I will get Home>>Gallery>>[Portfolio Type]>>[Portfolio Post] but with no Type checked off and a category checked off it is merely Home>>Gallery>>[Portfolio Post]. So not sure what to do at this point. I suppose I can just use “Type,” “Categories” makes more sense to me.
As for Portfolio I only use it because that’s the only way I can dynamically get my latest image posts to show up on pages like Home with the Ascend theme. I have no idea how to create a whole separate gallery that I can add to my home page like in the Homepage Layout Manager with Portfolio Grid.