• Randy King


    I am testing an appointment page and do the following:

    Blah blah blah stuff here introducing the calendar, providing instructions, and all that…


    The result is that the booking calendar is FIRST on the page and my text comes after it. I need to have this instructional text ABOVE the calendar, not below it! I may be able to force the issue using DIVs, but it seems to me that the plugin should leave text exactly where I place it.


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  • paulinelephew



    Impossible to find the comment in the file around line 647, any suggestion please?

    Plugin Contributor FARAZFRANK


    Hi Paulinelephew,

    Sorry we made some changes in Ver-2.7.1.

    Please open below link in new tab:


    Now find the below comment line:

    <!---Schedule New New Appointment Button--->

    Do same with file appointment-calendar-shortcode.php available in Appointment Calendar directory.




    This all doesn’t seem to be an appropriate solution to the issue at all. I don’t mean to be rude but editing a plugin’s php file to edit your page’s content is never the right answer. This is a wonderful plugin so far, but it you should really consider encapsulating your plugin so it is self-contained and doesn’t effect other elements on the page. This will allow the users to use their visual/text editor feature of WordPress when using your plugin.



    I found a very good example why this is not ideal. I was wondering why my use of your Booking Instructions setting wasn’t working correctly and it turns out you don’t even allow divs. I know you print the available elements one can use, but a div is such a basic building block of the web I didn’t even consider looking.

    You also don’t allow spans. So even using a band aid to fix the lack of divs wouldn’t even work.

    It doesn’t accept classes and escapes them when you try to use it.

    As you can see, the reasons to stop using your proposed solution are mounting. This really needs to be upgraded form “not appropriate” as I mentioned above to “needs immediate attention.”

    Perhaps if we investigated the why you need to make your calendar render outside of the normal page flow we can all help resolve this issue together. It really is a good plugin but this single reason makes it intrusive and borderline unusable for the serious developer.

    Plugin Contributor FARAZFRANK


    Hi RKS213,

    I know this is not a proper solution.

    That’s is why we have added “Booking Instruction” Settings in version 2.7 & 2.7.1.

    It enable admin to add instructions which appear on the top of Booking Button.

    This thread is about the older versions of Appointment Calendar.

    May this helps you. We appreciate your suggestion, we will keep in mind & try to code using modular programing, classes, oops.

    Kind Regards

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