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  • Plugin Author Ziv


    The plugin places the HTML code inside the HTML tag that you added the php loginbox call to. So if you put the php loginbox in your header div it should look something like this:

    <div id="header">
        if(function_exists('wplb_login')) {

    The HTML will be placed inside your header div. If you could link me to your site, I could check if the HTML is actually being palced in the correct HTML div tag. If you are going to link me your site, please also let me know in which HTML tag you placed the php loginbox call.

    Thread Starter jcpcosta


    Hi Ziv!

    I just realized I called you Liv, sorry for that ??

    About the code, well I don’t know what’s happening…I’ve pasted
    if(function_exists(‘wplb_login’)) {

    into the header.php theme file BUT now login box still shows but I can’t find the code in that file???????????????? lol Is this possible??

    URL site is

    Thank you for your help!

    Thread Starter jcpcosta


    Hi again!

    Found the went through such a big mess ?? sorry for that.

    So the code is in header.php inside the wrapper….

    <div id=”wrapper”>
    <?php if (function_exists (‘wplb_login’)) { wplb_login(); } ?>

    Plugin Author Ziv


    The wrapper is usually the div that holds together the entire site. Try to find another div inside the wrapper and place the php code there.

    Thread Starter jcpcosta


    Hi Ziv!

    I took the code from the wrapper and moved it to the body, opening the div “header”. Then in the CSS inserts area of the theme I added the following changes as fields and links don’t appear over the header:

    #wplb_wrap { position:relative; z-index: 1; padding-right: 350px; top:60px;

    Horizontally they are ok now but vertically a huge white space has been added..I want fields to overlap header area!

    Plugin Author Ziv


    I’m not sure what you mean when you say horizontally or vertically. Maybe the whitespace is because of the padding or the margin you added? I am not too sure.

    Thread Starter jcpcosta


    I mean it’s correctly aligned horizontally, where I want it to be ??

    I don’t know, can′t find it! But if I deactivate the plugin, white space disappears..seems there’s some padding/margin/whatever..pushing down the entire site and I don’t think it’s has something to do with any of my changes…! I’m not a css/ php expert…so your help would be very kind!

    Plugin Author Ziv


    It’s difficult for me to assist you without looking at your site. Do you mind sending me a link? If you don’t want to send it in the public forum you can email it to me.

    My email is [email protected].
    Replace REPLACE_WITH_@ with @.

    Thread Starter jcpcosta


    I already gave it to you…post nr 3 ??

    Plugin Author Ziv


    Sorry, I missed it. I figured out what is causing the white space. Your design is in tables which means we can’t post the code in a div, but we need to post it in the correct table row inside a td tag.
    Remove the extra css you added and change the login box align from right to left.
    Then put the php code right after the closing div tag for your search box div (all of this markup should be in header.php). This should fix your issue.

    So it will look something like this:

    <div class="searchbox">
    					<form method="get" class="searchform" action="">
    					<div class="searchbox-form"><input type="text" class="text inputblur" onfocus="this.value=''" value="Pesquisa" onblur="this.value='Pesquisa'" name="s"></div>

    Thread Starter jcpcosta


    Hi again Ziv!

    In my theme (Atahualpa) there’s no code for the search box in file header.php.

    All code for the search is the file searchform.php so I tried to add your code there, like this:

    <form method="get" class="searchform" action="<?php echo esc_url( home_url() ); ?>/">
    <table class="searchform" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    <td class="searchfield">
    <input type="text" class="text inputblur" value="<?php esc_attr( the_search_query() ); ?>" name="s" />
    <td class="searchbutton">
    <input name="submit" value="Search" type="image" src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/magnifier2-gray.gif" style="display: block; border:none; padding: 0 0 0 5px; margin: 0;" />
    <?php if (function_exists ('wplb_login')) { wplb_login(); } ?>

    [Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    Login box doesn’t appear ??

    Plugin Author Ziv


    That’s weird, the login box should appear. In your header.php try placing the php code after the first searchform.php call.

    Thread Starter jcpcosta


    there’s no searchform call in header.php … I asked for the theme’s developers help too…

    Plugin Author Ziv


    Weird. Try looking for the get_search_form() function.

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