• Resolved alexsaidani


    I have been coding for wordpress for sometime now along with HTML, CSS and PHP, there is something new which I have decided to try out and I’m having a little trouble with it.
    I want to position my wordpress posts or entries individually without using a plugin of some sort. I want to have one post centred and the largest (which would be the latest one) whilst having 4 posts below in like a row, with the post title an image and the small description of what the post is about. I have never attempted to interfere or edit the blogroll before as i have always left it as normal configuring the number of posts down to one in the settings.
    I can offer more information and images of how i want the blog to look like, if anyone knows anything regarding this or could provide any assistance such as a small code snippet or anything really.
    Thanks in advance.

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  • Sounds like you want the first (latest) post to be full width with the 4 below it in a row with only the image and an excerpt.

    If that is the case, you can use a counter in the loop to set the proper divs to arrange the posts like that.

    The code should look something like this:

    <?php if (have_posts()) :
       while (have_posts()) : the_post();
         if (++$c == 1) {
           echo '<div class="fullwidth">';
         } elseif (($c -1 ) % 4 == 1) {
           echo '<div class="newrow">';
           echo "<div class='$postclass'>";
         } else {
           echo "<div class='$postclass'>";
         // Code here to display a post
         echo '</div><!-- End of post -->';
         if ($c > 1 && ($c - 1) % 4 == 0) {
            echo '</div><!-- End of row -->';
       if ($c > 1 && ($c - 1) % 4 != 0) {
          echo '</div><!-- End of row -->';
    else :
       // Code here for no posts found

    Then, set up the CSS for fullwidth, newrow, and postclass.

    Thread Starter alexsaidani


    Hello thanks for replying, I tried using the code you gave me customising it a bit and so on. However I have tried numerous times to get this to work and I just can’t seem to get it to. Is there no other way of doing this? I wanted it to look something like this :
    Click Here

    Thanks again.

    The code I gave works to set up the div’s. You can see where I tested it in this screen shot (after I changed the posts per row to 3 per your sample).

    The code and CSS:

    .fullwidth { width: 98%; border: 2px solid black; }
    .newrow { width: 98%; }
    .postclass {width: 30%; float: left; margin: 4px; border: 2px solid green; }
    // This code shows how to use a counter to show the first post full width
    // with the remaining ones 3 to a row.
       echo '<h2>Testing rows</h2>';
       $postclass = 'postclass';
       for ($i=1;$i<12;++$i) {
         if (++$c == 1) {
           echo '<div class="fullwidth">';
         } elseif (($c -1 ) % 3 == 1) {
           echo '<div class="newrow">';
           echo "<div class='$postclass'>";
         } else {
           echo "<div class='$postclass'>";
         echo "A post goes here. c is $c";
         echo '</div><!-- End of post -->';
         if ($c > 1 && ($c - 1) % 3 == 0) {
            echo '</div><!-- End of row -->';
    if ($c > 1 && ($c - 1) % 4 != 0) {
      echo '</div><!-- End of row -->';
    Thread Starter alexsaidani


    Perhaps I am getting this wrong, where exactly must this code be placed. I have tried it both in the loop.php file along with the page.php file.
    Thanks for the code though, I am sure it will be much useful when i get it working. ??

    Thread Starter alexsaidani


    The part of code within my loop file that gets the results is this:

    <?php ?>
    <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    	<?php else : ?>
    	<div id="maincontent">
    <div id="posttitle">
    			<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php printf( esc_attr__( 'Permalink to %s', 'twentyten' ), the_title_attribute( 'echo=0' ) ); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
    <div id="postdate">
    		<?php twentyten_posted_on(); ?>
    	<?php if ( is_archive() || is_search() ) :  ?>
    			<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    	<?php else : ?>
    		<?php the_content( __( 'Continue reading &rarr;', 'twentyten' ) ); ?>
    			<?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '' . __( 'Pages:', 'twentyten' ), 'after' => '' ) ); ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>
    				<?php if ( count( get_the_category() ) ) : ?>
    				<?php endif; ?>
    					$tags_list = get_the_tag_list( '', ', ' );
    					if ( $tags_list ):
    					<?php printf( __( 'Tagged %2$s', 'twentyten' ), 'entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links', $tags_list ); ?>
    				<?php endif; ?>
    		<?php comments_template( '', true ); ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    Whilst my page.php file consists of:

    get_header(); ?>
    <?php if ( have_posts() ) while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    					<?php if ( is_front_page() ) { ?>
    						<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
    					<?php } else { ?>
    						<h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    					<?php } ?>
                        <?php the_content(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    I probably should have stuck to normal web design ??

    The twentyten theme is not the easiest to modify for that. You might be better off starting with a theme that uses a ‘Featured Post’, but here goes. Back up loop.php and change as follows.

    Change this:

    <?php /* How to display all other posts. */ ?>
    	<?php else : ?>
    		<div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>

    to this:

    <?php /* How to display all other posts. */ ?>
    	<?php else : ?>
    <?php // Code to have wide first post, then rows under it.
    $posts_per_row = 3;  // The number of posts on rows after first.
    if (++$c == 1) {
       echo '<div class="fullwidth">';
    } elseif (($c - 1) % $posts_per_row == 1) {
       echo '<div class="newrow">';
       echo '<div class="narrowpost">';
    } else {
       echo '<div class="narrowpost">';
    		<div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>

    Change this;

    </div><!-- .entry-utility -->
    		</div><!-- #post-## -->
    		<?php comments_template( '', true ); ?>

    to this:

    </div><!-- .entry-utility -->
    		</div><!-- #post-## -->
       </div><!-- End fullwidth or narrowpost -->
       <?php if ($c > 1 && ($c - 1) % $posts_per_row == 0) {
           echo '</div><!-- End of row -->';
       } ?>
    		<?php comments_template( '', true ); ?>

    Change this:

    <?php endwhile; // End the loop. Whew. ?>
    <?php /* Display navigation to next/previous pages when applicable */ ?>

    to this:

    <?php endwhile; // End the loop. Whew. ?>
    if ($c > 1 && ($c - 1) % 4 != 0) {
      echo '</div><!-- End of row -->';
    } ?>
    <?php /* Display navigation to next/previous pages when applicable */ ?>

    And use CSS similar to this:

    .fullwidth {
       width: 98%;
       border: 2px solid black;
    .newrow {
       width: 98%;
    .narrowpost {
       width: 30%;
       float: left;
       margin: 4px;
       border: 2px solid green;
    Thread Starter alexsaidani


    I think I am going to have to take a different approach to doing this, because it’s really not working for me, I might just start again or build on top of another theme. The code looks right to me, and I can see you got it working yourself.
    Thanks for your help though vtxyzzy, seriously I appreciate it a lot.

    Thread Starter alexsaidani


    I have found a theme now, which im just going to use the foundations of and strip away the rest of the stuff.
    So like I said, thank you very much for all your help and trying to help me. ??

    You are welcome. Glad you found something that works.

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