• Resolved epswp


    At the moment it is not possible to sort the staff members. It will be automatically sorted by creation date. It would be nice to sort them by function or something else. Now it will happen that the headcoach is sorted under the coach or other staff members.

    In an older thread (https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/order-staff-on-page/) the custom css option was named. This is not possible if an object is used in more than one team. e.g. person1 is coach in team1 and headcoach in team2. person2 is headcoach of team1 and coach of team2.

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  • Plugin Contributor Savvas


    Hi there @epswp ,

    You can try to use the Order field on Job edit page.


    Thread Starter epswp


    I did, but it has no effect. :/

    Plugin Contributor Savvas


    Did you set the order option correctly on both Jobs and Staff members? Normally the order field on Jobs will arrange the order each Job group will be shown (ascending) and the order field on Staff members will arrange the order of each staff inside their group (ascending also).

    Can you share some screenshots of your settings and links to the pages you are showing your staff?


    Thread Starter epswp


    My settings at the job-configuration: https://ibb.co/C5WVmPf
    An example page is here: https://ejkassel.de/team/bambinis-u7/

    Plugin Contributor Savvas


    Hi there @epswp ,

    From your screenshot I can see that you arrange the order of your “Jobs” and that order is working as it should at your example page (Trainer is shown first, Mannschaftsleiter is shown last etc.)

    Did you expect a different behaviour?


    Thread Starter epswp


    Hi Savvas,

    there is a diff between the order in the screenshot and on the site.

    It is Trainer > Co-Trainer > Mannschaftsleiter > Betreuer. At the site it is still the creation date.

    Plugin Contributor Savvas


    Hi there @epswp ,

    You are right. This is the default way SportsPress shows the Staff of a Team. You can change it so as it respect the Roles Order value by copying the team-staff.php template file from wp-content/plugins/sportspress/templates/ to wp-content/themes/your-child-theme/sportspress/and use the following code:

    * Team Staff
    * @author ThemeBoy
    * @package SportsPress/Templates
    * @version 2.5.5 (MODIFIED)

    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    exit; // Exit if accessed directly

    if ( ! isset( $id ) ) {
    $id = get_the_ID();

    $team = new SP_Team( $id );
    $members = $team->staff();
    $link_staff = get_option( 'sportspress_team_link_staff', 'no' ) === 'yes' ? true : false;

    // Get role terms and sort them by
    $role_terms = get_terms( array(
    'taxonomy' => 'sp_role',
    'hide_empty' => false,
    ) );

    if ( $role_terms ) {
    usort( $role_terms, 'sp_sort_terms' );

    // Create a mapping of role names to their order
    $role_order = array();
    foreach ( $role_terms as $index => $term ) {
    $role_order[ $term->name ] = $index;

    // Function to get the order of the role
    function get_role_order( $staff, $role_order ) {
    $staff_object = new SP_Staff( $staff->ID );
    $staff_roles = $staff_object->roles();
    if ( empty( $staff_roles ) ) {
    return PHP_INT_MAX; // If no roles, put at the end

    $role_names = wp_list_pluck( $staff_roles, 'name' );
    // Find the first matching role in the defined order
    foreach ( $role_names as $role_name ) {
    if ( isset( $role_order[ $role_name ] ) ) {
    return $role_order[ $role_name ];

    return PHP_INT_MAX; // If role is not in the defined order, put at the end

    // Sort the staff based on their roles
    usort( $members, function( $a, $b ) use ( $role_order ) {
    $a_order = get_role_order( $a, $role_order );
    $b_order = get_role_order( $b, $role_order );

    if ( $a_order === $b_order ) {
    return 0;

    return ( $a_order < $b_order ) ? -1 : 1;

    foreach ( $members as $staff ) :
    $id = $staff->ID;
    $name = $staff->post_title;

    $staff = new SP_Staff( $id );
    $roles = $staff->roles();

    if ( ! empty( $roles ) ) :
    $roles = wp_list_pluck( $roles, 'name' );
    $name = '<span class="sp-staff-role">' . implode( '<span class="sp-staff-role-delimiter">/</span>', $roles ) . '</span> ' . $name;
    <h4 class="sp-staff-name"><?php echo $link_staff ? '<a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink( $id ) ) . '">' . wp_kses_post( $name ) . '</a>' : wp_kses_post( $name ); ?></h4>
    sp_get_template( 'staff-photo.php', array( 'id' => $id ) );
    sp_get_template( 'staff-details.php', array( 'id' => $id ) );


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