• Dear WordPress,
    I tried to search but i could not find anything related so i post this message to you.
    Besically, i have a wordpress powered website, it uses atahualpa theme.
    User register and to cut it shortly each user generates a revenue that i receive as admin to my email.
    I would like to have the possibility to post this revenue file (a pdf file) user specific, to the specific page “my revenues” or his own dashboard perhaps in a widget?
    Let me try to explain more to be clear.
    User “iamuser” registers, he has its own dashboard and he can browse certain pages visible to subscribers only, one of theres page is “my revenues”
    I would like, as admin, to upload a file that i generate lets say iamuserrevenues.pdf and display (perhaps with a plugin shortcode?) it into the page “my revenues”.
    Obviously each user can see only his own files..
    Is there anything similar available?
    I would really love to get your kind advice.
    best regards

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