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  • Thread Starter Marcelo Pedra


    Just as a sidenote, if I do a purchase using the Credit Card, the order changed correctly to On-Hold (En Espera), so, notifications are arriving. It’s just the plugin not applying the “payment” parameter correctly to the orders.

    Plugin Author Mercado Pago


    Hi Marcelo,
    How are you? Thank you for your points.

    Looks like you’ve read the documentations of Mercado Pago. What I can say is: yes, over there, it is stated the statuses about the IPN flow, with “approved” as the final status. Its natural to conclude that “completed” status should be put over there but, well, here we’re in a tricky scenario with two different contexts: the payment processor and the e-commerce platform.

    In Mercado Pago context, the IPN status refers to the status of the payment. When the customer finishes the checkout, it is created a payment in Mercado Pago that, after being approved, the status “approved” means that Mercado Pago is over with its role. There is nothing more to be done, apart the cases of refunds.

    If you take a look in WooCommerce status, that status refers to the order status (not the payment status) and they are different of Mercado Pago statuses. Why? Because now we are in the e-commerce context. After the payment is approved, there are more things do be made on merchant side: he needs to wrap the product, ship it, and confirm with the customer the actual final status of the business.

    This is tricky because we’re talking about two different contexts, and the status “completed” have different semantics in both. If we put “completed” as order status on WooCommerce after receiving “approved” from IPN, how can merchants distinguish the orders actually finished, and the ones that were paid but to be sent/processed?

    Checking your image, it states the following:
    02:07:15 – the first notification indicates that the payment was created, and the second indicates that it was updated (looks like the approval has been made in less than 1s);
    02:07:16 – the module updated he order with “approved” status;
    And in the sidenotes, you have the payment statuses being updated in merchants dashboard, firstly being approved, and then being changed from pending (waiting for the payment) to in-process (waiting for the merchant to take his actions).

    In the perspective of merchant and customer, its not be too confusing because they just see things of theirs scenarios. Merchants sell, receive notification of a payment, process (wrap/ship), and finish the order. The customer is just updated in similar manner by email and/or their Mercado Pago accounts. But if you’re taking a look in the bones of the codes, things can become a little like this.

    Ah, and in relation to credit-card being put to “on-hold” it indicates that the card issuer is checking the customer’s credits. The card in being analyzed. The “on-hold” semantic is “payment creation is made, checking if it is ok”.

    I hope that I’ve clarified your question. Any additional ones, please feel free to ask.
    You’re very welcome.

    Best regards!

    Thread Starter Marcelo Pedra


    Thank you for the clarifications, now is crystal clear.

    In regards of the order with “on-hold” status, it was an order for a virtual product (with no shipping), so it should be “Complete” when the customer pays. I purchased one of these virtual products, and paid with my credit card, then I received the WC email stating the order is on hold, had my credit card actually *charged* for the purchase, the seller (my customer) *received the funds* in their MercadoPago panel, but the order in WooCommerce is still marked as On-Hold. Is this normal? If MercadoPago was able to charge the credit card and credit the money in seller’s panel, why wouldn’t it send a notification to WooCommerce to mark it as Complete if there is no need for extra work?

    Plugin Author Mercado Pago


    Hi Marcelo,
    The “on-hold” status fall on the same case of the “complete” status. If you check Mercado Pago and WooCommerce documentations, you will find:

    Mercado Pago Documentation
    in_process: Payment is being reviewed

    WooCommerce Documentation
    Processing: Payment received and stock has been reduced- the order is awaiting fulfillment.

    Again, names are same, but contexts are different. In Mercado Pago “in-processing” means that the payment is in review. Its counter-part in WooCommerce is “on-hold” and this is why it is mapped in this way.

    Obs1: Taking in view that is a downlodable purchase, yes, we can improve this behavior checking it and marking directly as “completed”. I’ve just put this in backlog to be implemented ??
    Obs2: The money should be deposited in merchant account only after the payment is approved and by receiving the WooCommerce processing status. If not there is an issue here. Are you sure that they are the same order? Here, I’ve just did a test with a “on-hold” status, and the value correctly haven’t been deposited.

    Hola, tenemos el mismo problema. pudieron resolver?.

    Plugin Author Mercado Pago


    Hi @mrsab1982,

    We’ve made some changes and optimizations in v2.2.0 onwards. Please, install and test our last version. If you’re still with problems, please give us some screenshots/logs of your problem.


    Obs1: Taking in view that is a downlodable purchase, yes, we can improve this behavior checking it and marking directly as “completed”. I’ve just put this in backlog to be implemented ??

    Has this been implemented? I am still having problems. I am selling virtual products, no shipping, all payments are successful but I see the status of the order is still “processing” – which is problematic as the client never get the email confirming that his order and payment have been executed successfully.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by aromboli.
    Plugin Author Mercado Pago


    Hi @aromboli,

    Yes, it was implemented.
    Have you marked your product as “virtual” and/or “downloadable” in the product settings? Which payment method (basic, custom, or ticket) are you using?

    Thanks @mercadopago but it does not work for me. I am using the theme Listify and the product I have to create (susbcription package) does not give me the option ot mark it as “virtual and downloable”, so the issues persists. I am using the basic payment method.

    Any ideas on how to fix it?

    Plugin Author Mercado Pago


    Hi @aromboli,

    Which version of our plugin are you using? In the last version, we do not have “subscription type” anymore, but added custom fields to a simple product that enable it to be recurrent. The type “susbcription package” do not exists in our plugin.

    @mercadopago I am using the latest version of MercadoPago, the issue is that the “subscription package” I believe is a product from Listify, and they do not provide the option to mark the product as virtual and/or downloadable.

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